I don't think your average BFA raider would be able to full clear Naxx because everyone is going to quit by level 34 after getting ass blasted in STV for hours by me because rogues are balanced
fixedNew heirloom armor casing that unlocks the ability to summon that heirloom on Classic Servers. $25 each.
New heirloom armor casing that unlocks the ability to summon that heirloom on Classic Servers. 1million gold each.
They balance Mythic around 20 people, so that is how they make the raid tier. You can raid normal & heroic with 10 people if you like, and mostly succeed. You will struggle on some fights in heroic on occasion due to certain mechanics not being ideal for so few players.
I don't think 10 man mythic raids would be very good. It would be difficult to make them challenging enough. It would also make a few classes completely irrelevant, and I realize that is already the case for some, but it would just further exacerbate this issue.
Do you know how hard it was in classic to scrape together 40 people from your server who were available at the same time? "Bottom of the barrel" doesn't even begin to describe that. You obviously had 10 people who carried the other 30 mouthbreathers. This worked somewhat in MC, but once the DPS and "don't fuck this up" checks started in BWL it was obviously unsustainable.I want 40 man mythic raids
Can't relate because our guild had like 70 raiders, and gave those not in the raid DKP for farming mats for the guild so everyone was relatively happy once they got in. Maybe it's the rose tinted glasses but there was rarely drama either outside of a handful of single people but.. that's every guild. Still kind of nuts to me.
also unrelated but I genuinely can't wait for Tauren heritage armor and I'm going to be fucking pissed if they remove the totem
Alright I already changed my mind
I want 40 man mythic raids
That sounds like Guild Wars 2...40 man pet battle raids. 120 pets gangbanging a pet raid boss pls bliz.
I wouldn't mind 10 man mythic raids, I bet mythic would see a LOT more action.