Well I might just resub.
Demon Hunter in Havoc spec is in the best place it has ever been. It's super fun to play compared to legion.There's a lot to do but fact is the game feels like complete shit to play (vs legion) because they gutted every class for no apparent reason.
BFA is probably fucking unbelievable if you're just coming back after a few years. There's an insane amount of content.
Unless you pvp. PvP talents actually make my shaman feel like it's a complete and finished class.
Removing tier sets was a big mistake. They clearly don't understand how important transmog items are to some people. A lot of people like having a unique transmog for their class, but now it is just by armor type which sucks.
I guess I don't really understand the rest of the casual perspective though. What do you want them to add? Legion had class storylines & the mage tower, did these hold your interest? Mounts from paragon chests? Getting gear is arguably easier for a casual in BFA than it was in Legion, so I'm not really sure what you would want.
They have also made levelling much faster recently, so if that was something you enjoyed it is pretty quick now.
There is a lot that you have to/need to/should do but there is not a lot that you want to do.What confuses me is the claim "there is nothing to do". Well if you only play one aspect of the game this might be correct but when I log on I'm always torn between "damn, warfront weekly is up", "need to to the weekly islands expedition", "could do LFR for transmogs", "that WQ I still lack this achievement is up", "damn an invasion, might get an upgrade", "weekly PvP is kill 30 whatever", "shit, did not run M10 for chest this week" and so on. I was always an altoholic but BFS really burned me out because there is so much to do resulting in an guaranteed upgrade.
I enjoyed class halls, class campaigns, and suramar a lot. I'm currently a massive casual, I don't even run dungeons anymore which is a new thing for me.
Aside from pure gameplay annoyances which everyone (especially me) always point to, one thing I hate the most about BFA is the lack of any sort of class identity that legion had in terms of RP. From campaigns, to little npcs mentioning you, or reacting to you. You can bash RP all you want but being a paladin in Legion, and actually paying attention to the storyline, made it easy for me to visualize myself as being a Highlord of the holy order. Helping and healing the world. Exact same thing with druids, regardless of what was happening in the world - a druid was doing their best to keep the emerald nightmare at bay, and to repairing the wounds that were left as late as 8.0 when the sword stabbed into the fuckin planet.
I know that sounds stupid. But it mattered something to me.
In BFA I kind of like the war campaign story, but I like it for all the wrong reasons. I love Rexxar, I love the entire time where he orders the horde to take care of this alliance family because they just essentially killed their father. That's cool, decent storytelling sure. But the point of my character in the entire campaign? It's like... go fight some alliance. And I know it's WARcraft but it feels so shallow because I know, you know, and literally everybody that has played the game before knows, that by the end of the expansion we are going to be working together. This entire "WAR" is moot and useless, it's a fucking waste of time. We kill some alliance soldiers and in 4 months we're gonna be jerking each other off making the entire identity of BFA both useless and pointless.
I have nothing to point towards to identify my character in BFA. "You're a horde soldier", shit at least WoD let me be a commander and run my actual own base of operations.
Again, not talking about gameplay specifically but the identity of my character. How do I come from defeating a fucking god and protecting civilians of Azeroth as a holy man directly to committing genocide because purple lady mad within 2 weeks. What was the point of the 180?
Removing tier sets was a big mistake. They clearly don't understand how important transmog items are to some people. A lot of people like having a unique transmog for their class, but now it is just by armor type which sucks.
I guess I don't really understand the rest of the casual perspective though. What do you want them to add? Legion had class storylines & the mage tower, did these hold your interest? Mounts from paragon chests? Getting gear is arguably easier for a casual in BFA than it was in Legion, so I'm not really sure what you would want.
They have also made levelling much faster recently, so if that was something you enjoyed it is pretty quick now.
don't worry lads I got yet another piece of heroic equivelent loot and this time it was a trinket from doing 3 world (turtle bois) quests
what a videogame
"I’m not sure how many people know this, but we shipped World Of Warcraft with 60 developers. Sixty people made that game. It’s something that to this day I’m very proud of, [but] after we launched, because it was such a difficult crunch and such a difficult development cycle, we lost about 20 developers.
As I was pointing out a few weeks ago, there's more than 15 bars/currencies to fill/collect. Right now. Almost all of them time gated. That, alone, tells you where their inspiration comes from.There is a lot that you have to/need to/should do but there is not a lot that you want to do.
Blizzard is gaming the system, they figured out that it was hard making a game that people want to play for a very long time so they took a page from mobile gaming and turned the game into a game that you have to play for a very long time.