World of Warcraft: Current Year


<Bronze Donator>
All of these interviews are good looks into the thought process of future patches
There are things in life where you don't really want to know what goes into them, because it lessens your enjoyment. Sausages for example, but this seems to be another case.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
  • They are reluctant to implement systems for leveling used in Guild Wars because leveling up and character progression/strength is a core experience for RPGs.
  • They definitely want to get to a place where every level up means something again.
Which is absolutely why level and ilvl scaling are absolutely everywhere today.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I cant tell if you are deliberately being a cunt or if you actually believe the shit you type. Either way Lore already beat you to the job of tongue bathing Ions asshole so you can calm down with that shit. If you really think it's just 1000's of players being jealous not only are you blinded by your Blizzard fanboyism you are stupid as shit too. The problem is it destroys any effort/risk/reward paradigm. There is no rhyme or reason to shit proccing +50 ilvl in this game and in some cases you are the one getting the item that turns out to be dogshit anyways so you aren't jealous of yourself you shortsighted American Inventor, you just realize how awful the whole system is and how pointless all the effort you put in is.
I can't tell if you are just bitter or actually believe the shit you write. I don't raid just for gear progression. I'm perfectly happy handing upgrades to other people. I want to see the content. Just because high level autists like Asmongold want to achieve some perfect combination of gear and now they can't doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the game. I get gear progression all the time. I target pieces and get them on a regular basis. I have one 425 titanforge. So I skip that slot when thinking about gear. It doesn't hurt my life.

For a bunch of dudes running LFR and heroic dungeons you guys have a lot to say about gear progression.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Unless somebody is racing for mythic raiding firsts I just don't see how titanforging/warforging impacts them. Once in a blue moon you will be transmog hunting and something that shouldn't be an upgrade winds up being a minor upgrade. I just don't see how that is game breaking to give people a rare chance when doing other stuff to sometimes get something actually useful.
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Got something right about marriage
Unless somebody is racing for mythic raiding firsts I just don't see how titanforging/warforging impacts them. Once in a blue moon you will be transmog hunting and something that shouldn't be an upgrade winds up being a minor upgrade. I just don't see how that is game breaking to give people a rare chance when doing other stuff to sometimes get something actually useful.

When everything in the game has a chance to become the best gear in the game what's the point of targeting anything? There is a fundamental lack of a goal for any character you are playing. And when you're running around on an alt doing world quests and some random trinket procs to 420 that has the best stats/effect for your main, but you have no way to target it on your main, that just feels terrible. It makes you say "You've got to be kidding me", not "YAY THIS GAME IS AWESOME". The only time TF ever feels good is when it happens on a trinket for your main that has the best stats/effect for that spec and even then you don't feel accomplished you just feel lucky. Getting lucky is an entirely different experience than setting a goal and accomplishing it. It removes the attachment to the character and the game world. It also removes the sense of being done and just enjoying the character that has what you wanted. You are never done in WoW and it feels like shit.

And this isn't even considering how terrible it feels to watch someone get a TF item that you really would like and that they are willing to trade because they don't need it, but they can't because of the ilvl restrictions on loot trading. I've never seen anyone present an argument for titanforging other than "Well, I guess who cares right?". I've never seen a good case made for why it's both good for the game, and should remain.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
When BiS is more luck and RNG than a gacha game you stop caring and eventually stop playing.
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Got something right about marriage
Not to mention never truly being able to compare yourself to your peers playing the same class/spec. You used to be able to look at their gear setup and say "Oh, interesting, that makes sense, guess I know what I need to farm now to perform better". Now it's "Well fuck, guess I'll never be able to keep up with them on these fights unless I get lucky like they did with 2 TF weapons". It sucks feeling like you aren't pulling your weight in a group/raid scenario and knowing there's not much you can do to change it other than hope.
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Molten Core Raider
The lack of a goal is a good point. There is a lot I could do in WoW, but there is nothing I feel I have to do. That was something I always enjoyed with EQ. Every time I logged on I could have a goal that I could feasibly accomplish. Go camp an item, get a certain amount of AA, target a piece of raid gear etc etc.

In WoW here are my options for my main:
- Do m+ for probably a 5% or lower chance of obtaining an upgrade
- Do World quests, for no particular reason other than a small increase in power from the necklace
- Raid (I do this, because I enjoy it. Basically the only reason I am subbed)
- PvP. This would be for enjoyment. Personally, if I want to PvP I will go play a game specifically designed around PvP. So not WoW.

That is basically it. The part of mmo's I enjoy most is improving my character. Getting the best gear I can while raiding. The fact that I have 0 control over the gear I get makes me not chase it. I log in for raids and will do 1 m+ a week, maybe more if asked by guildmates but not very many.

However, someone mentioned it earlier that Blizzard no longer designs content based on player feedback, but rather statistics. My assumption is that their stats tell them people log in more frequently to chase wf/tf items, rather than people simply getting their BiS item and not logging in at all anymore. So I imagine that is why we are stuck with the current system.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I logged into Diablo 3 last night and ran a couple of rifts on the seasonal shit and realized current WoW is exactly that seasonal. While a game like Diablo 3 or PoE is fun having resets since the overall game is much shorter and gear acquisition is much faster, doing the same thing in WoW is awful. The games aren't meant to be designed with constant resets. It defeats the purpose of the genre.

I can't tell if you are just bitter or actually believe the shit you write. I don't raid just for gear progression. I'm perfectly happy handing upgrades to other people. I want to see the content. Just because high level autists like Asmongold want to achieve some perfect combination of gear and now they can't doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the game. I get gear progression all the time. I target pieces and get them on a regular basis. I have one 425 titanforge. So I skip that slot when thinking about gear. It doesn't hurt my life.

For a bunch of dudes running LFR and heroic dungeons you guys have a lot to say about gear progression.

Goddamn you have no reading comprehension. It isn't even about the level of progression you dimwit, do you actually think you are some Jesus because you have killed a few mythic bosses and act like 90% of us here haven't? It isn't about jealousy either you fucking dope. For example lets say you log in and you are Captain Cocksucker Smug Mythic Raider you decide to run a normal dungeon for the fuck of it, or hey maybe you aren't being 100% total smug douchebag American Inventor faggot and you are helping someone gear up or something. You run through and Blamo a max level item drops fully titanforged with a socket, I am sure a complete tool faggot like you might be excited and high five the air while trying to suck your own cock but a normal person might get excited for the first few seconds and then realize it feels hollow and like shit. You don't feel like you earned the gear it was just given to you for no discernible reason.

Now lets get into other scenarios that you seem to overlook because as I have pointed out you are a shortsighted dimwit who perpetually sucks Blizzards dick like the cure for cancer is going to splash across your face in the end where everyone else in the world knows it's just cum.

Khane has already pointed out X item drops you don't even want it but your buddy does - Oops can't trade Blizzard faggot design. Since you wanna talk about Mythic like you are some sort of special snowflake you worthless pile of rotting shit. Might as well take a page out of Methods book where they had to fucking level and craft shit from every goddamn profession just to proc a high enough ilvl so they could trade shit with their own guildmates. Was this fun and compelling?? Did this highlight the joys of TF/WF for them?

WF/TF with M+ on top starts dropping gear beyond your progression level. What happens? Normal clears getting Heroic/Mythic level gear, people clearing Heroic already have Mythic level gear. Is it a good experience when you are killing content such as Heroic yet already have gear that drops beyond the content you are clearing? Does it feel good, is it an accomplishment? You kill a boss and instead of getting rewarded with upgrades as has been for the entirety of the fucking genre you limp dick faggot twat instead you shard it all because you always outgear the content you are on even Mythic?

You talk about Mythic but even as Khane and others have pointed out 100's of times, even the fucking #1 Mythic progression guild Method have repeatedly said Blizzard has designed the same in which LFR---Normal---Heroic-----------------------------------------Mythic that 99.99% of the playerbase doesn't even want to fuck with it. Effort/Reward is a thing even if you are to dumb to admit it. When you can get the top rewards in the game from AFKing through most of the content putting in the effort to be cutting edge makes no sense. It isn't that you are a special fucking snowflake it's that everyone else realize it ain't worth it.

You could make $475,000 a year doing to work twice a week and while you're there you masterbate and watch youtube clips


You could make $500,000 a year working 7 days a week 80 hour days while doing repetitive tasks in sync with 19 others and if one fails you need to start again

If you don't understand why most aren't choosing the latter then you really are fucking clueless.
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Log Wizard
In WoW here are my options for my main:
- Do m+ for probably a 5% or lower chance of obtaining an upgrade

A 5% chance of an upgrade that will be an 85% chance of getting a duplicate item. I got the same fucking item 3 weeks in a row and said fuck it.


Potato del Grande
I don't play wow right now, and am not a raider, so I have no skin in the game, but I always wondered why they didn't just limit TF and WF to items from like WQ's, Dungeons, and maybe LFR and Normal raids, and make the Hardcore and Mythic raid stuff not WF or TFable. But make it so the best items outside of those raids (like normal raids) can only say TF or WF up to a level a little below what drops in Heroic or Mythic raids. This way the best gear still comes from those top raids, and the hardcore raiders don't have to deal with that RNG, but it's still a nice bonus once in a while to people who aren't chasing the BiS gear.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Their recent "lessons learned" interviews were a big letdown ; it's really hard to understand they learned anything when the're doubling down on both Islands and Warfronts, both BFA hard selling points. Okay they're doing a 180 on the Azerite system and they're saying for the 100th time they read and care about player feedback. Then why releasing more Islands / Warfronts ? This content is awful, even the once-in-a-while casual player is fed up about them, and these days Islands is so broken in EU (Rabbit Charm) even the russians don't farm it anymore. As for Warfronts, it's a "let me log my reroll and be AFK" waiting room. Lessons learned ? I think not.
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So instead of improving the system to make it good you'd rather them completely scrap it like they do every single other expansion? I want them to actually finish and improve something they started on for once.

I don't think there's anything really wrong with islands anymore but it's definitely not that engaging if you're not super interested in collecting anything. Warfronts are getting heroic warfronts which may actually require you to at least be awake while they're happening, so they'll actually become.. content.

I'm all for them improving both of these systems.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
You don't feel like you earned the gear it was just given to you for no discernible reason.

That's the essence of everyone's beef with TF (WF with its 10ilvl cap might get a pass, since that makes an item of lower power than the next harder tier of content).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Their recent "lessons learned" interviews were a big letdown ; it's really hard to understand they learned anything when the're doubling down on both Islands and Warfronts, both BFA hard selling points. Okay they're doing a 180 on the Azerite system and they're saying for the 100th time they read and care about player feedback. Then why releasing more Islands / Warfronts ? This content is awful, even the once-in-a-while casual player is fed up about them, and these days Islands is so broken in EU (Rabbit Charm) even the russians don't farm it anymore. As for Warfronts, it's a "let me log my reroll and be AFK" waiting room. Lessons learned ? I think not.

I think they have already scrapped warfronts, and we only saw Darkshore because it was in production prior to release. That is just a failed system that didn’t reach its original development goals. We know they had additional ones planned, like the Barrens, but nothing is slated for 8.2.


<WoW Guild Officer>
You have to understand that Blizzard is currently infested with peak SJW Liberal faggotry. The recent banning of the "ok" symbol from their live streams is the most recent evidence.

They've ruined the franchise as well by damaging all the major male characters in the game: every one of them has become a criminal, a corpse, or a cuck. Some are multiple. All female roles have been empowered dramatically. Baine was like one of the last to be victimized by the 3 C's until this last patch where he was "criminalized".

If you look at the Horde vs Alliance thing (which no one gave a shit about yet they seemed obsessed with since Trump came around), its heavily emphasized as Red (Republican) vs Blue (Democrat). Notice how they keep criminalizing the leaders of the Horde? Garrosh had a solid chance of being a great leader, but they criminalized and killed him off because he was a masculine character. They cucked Thrall in the process, too. They've been punishing the Horde's lore harder ever since 2016.

People talk shit about Activision, but I almost hope they get sick of this nonsense and wipe these soyboys out.
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
I have activated my account for 1 month, 2 separate times, and both times I got bored with lvling. I got to like lvl 91 and just got so bored. Everything you fight is always your lvl, at no time can you try to kill something above your lvl and feel a sense of accomplishment. The only time that you can go back and cheese stuff is if you go back to a prior expansion. So go to classic zones at lvl 70, and all the mobs are lvl 60. And all that cool gear i got over the years, all new stats, that are all the same on every piece of gear, no huge upgrades at all. At least with EQ i can log into an old character and still find that ssoy with the same stats that it had when the game first released. I dunno, wow lost something when they changed the way you lvl.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
SSOY was garbage post-vanilla EQ (hell, it was garbage late vanilla), stats changing would still make it trash lol
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