Vyemm Raider
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I'm just waiting patiently for them to explain why Sylvanas is doing what she's doing. Burning Teldrassil was an emotional move against her sister, I get that, but based on her historical actions seems misplaced in a way. Her screeching "for the horde" made even less sense, even if it was completely badass. She must know something. She wouldn't nuke her own city out of spite (or maybe she would?).
Nuking undercity is a legitimate scorched earth tactic. It's mentioned somewhere that that the Forsaken still have holdings and territory in Silverpine and the plaguelands. Letting the Alliance take it gives them a defendable stronghold with infrastructure that they can rally troops out of to finish clearing out the undead from the rest of Lordaeron. Without it they would have to camp the army in Silverpine, and that would leave them open to raids, counter attacks, etc. Since the war is going on in other fronts, they don't have the resources and manpower to establish a secure foothold. Sylvanas bought time and forced the Alliance from being able to retake Lordaeron. It was unpopular, yeah, but it was the right choice.
Is Anduin actually a good, holy dude, or something else. Varian and Sylv got along great. Varian even stayed Thrall's hand. Anduin is a big bitch, and maybe Sylvanas sees that weakness and wants to exploit it? I dunno, both sides aren't good at judging character. For fucks sake Onyxia infiltrated the royal sect of Stormwind, and Thrall, with his wonderful selection of Garrosh, then Voljin with Sylvanas.
Anduin is such a goody two shoes he's unbearably likeable. Part of their "Alliance good, Horde bad" story where everything that is shown is reflected in that light.
The lore has been heavy, but there's been zero realization or payoff, for lack of a better turn of phrase. Is the N'zoth presence just fucking with folk's emotions? What's the connection to Silithus? What's the connection to Northrend? Why does the horde care to attack night elf lands when they've already burned the tree? A lot of "Why the fuck is this happening?" In the past it has pretty much always made sense.
N'zoth is the weakest of the Old Gods, so probably not. I don't think there's much of a connection to Silithus or Northrend other than it's more Old God stuff. When Garrosh was warchief, he pushed into Ashenvale because the Horde desperately needed wood. I'm sure that securing the forest, its resources, and stamping out all remaining resistance would help out a lot.
Can someone explain this shit?
Nobody can explain it because not much of it makes sense. Most of the decisions made show that the writers and devs are either stupid, or...well the only conclusion is stupid. They are also hilariously incompetent when it comes to war and militaries, especially when the universe is called WARcraft.
Battle of Dazar'Alor should have been a much more pyrrhic victory for the Alliance because nobody with any military expertise would have sent the Zandalari army to Nazmir to destroy the fleet. If you told me my enemy would land an army on the northern shore, in a swamp, and then march that army through an undead and blood troll infested swamp to invade, I would say, "Sounds good. you let me know when they get to the city and we'll just play defense. I'm sure the supply lines and logistical cost to keep that going are astronomical. They're probably cleaning out a bunch of undead and blood trolls, so good for us when we take it back."
Any outcome they have at this point concerning Sylvanas is going to be weak:
- Sylvanas gets overthrown aka Garrosh 2.0. Absolutely the worst idea.
- Sylvanas was doing the right thing and saving us from N'Zoth/Death, etc. Not even remotely believable. Nothing has been shown to hint this is the case. Saved for neckbeard storywriters who think they're JJ Abrams or M. Night Shyamalan and like to put in unexplainable twists. JlawOkay.gif
- Sylvanas has found a way to harness the power of death, and will use that to transcend and replace Mueh'zala, the Loa of Death. Bwonsamdi saves his own ass by now swearing fealty to her. The war ends when she steps down as Warchief, both sides satisfied that peace will be attainable with her gone. Also sets up the Life/Death aspect they've been pushing to along with the Light and Void story. Next expansion will have Vol'jin be our guide into the Shadowlands and other realms of the dead. Not terrible, but I don't credit the lore team to do anything this complicated. Also seems out of Sylvana's reach without a secret McGuffin artifact.
LOLore and all that.
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