Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
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- 13,831
I want to point out again Dota and how it came from a Bliz game and Blizzard had every chance to embrace that shit but since they are arrogant cocksuckers sniffing their own shit they let what turned into a multi-billion dollar industry slip through their fucking hands because they weren't willing to pay the guy who made it. Now shit like League of Legends and Dota just shit out piles of money and get those microtransaction dollars while Blizzard once again thinking they know better made HOTS which is terrible.
Semi-related, but the documentary about the Fall and Rise of FFXIV helps explain why the 1.0 version of FFXIV was a huge failure. Square-Enix basically had a huge ego problem...they thought they were king shit and figured what worked for FFXI would work for FFXIV, even though MMOs had changed drastically since the EQ1/FFXI days. The fact they were able to rebuild from the ground up and get a successful second chance was a miracle. Yoshi P had played MMOs since the UO/EQ1 days (he used to be a PK in UO lol) and he understood that post-WoW, you couldn't release FFXI /w upgraded graphics and expect a success, so he learned from stuff like WoW and other MMOs to make sure their product accounted for the competition. He had a good analogy about how you can't open a restaurant without researching what all the other local restaurants are doing. But they also point out that a lot of the old guard who remember the 1.0 days aren't there anymore and they are the ones who acutely recall the failure and don't want to repeat.
Blizzard sort of strikes me as being in the same arrogant space right now...they've been on top for so long, they've lost their way