to get above 140 ilvl on my DH heirlooms since its fresh and i would be starting from ilvl 65 lmao raising that to 140 gonna be crazy expensiveCan always buy a token and sell it for some gold to buy heirlooms
to get above 140 ilvl on my DH heirlooms since its fresh and i would be starting from ilvl 65 lmao raising that to 140 gonna be crazy expensiveCan always buy a token and sell it for some gold to buy heirlooms
Jesus Christ. Roll a new DH at 98 and do the starting zone tutorial. If you can't figure out double jump after the tutorial (press jump twice) then uninstall the cousin is somehow completely flat broke, i mean not even a copper across 3 chars lmao
where do i go to start legion stuff? never did this im at 100 so i assume thats where i need to be starting
Also how exactly does DH double jump passive work? i dont seem to have any jumps as a fresh DH unless im missing something completely obvious
I am an average player. I guess that's why shit that will never ever effect me doesn't bother me. I'm not currently playing, I always play the new FF14 when it comes out. I like to take breaks from games before I get super upset at them and then complain about them for months while still playing stuff I don't like.
When have I ever said I am something? I raided Mythic last tier and got 4/8 and got the 5th to 1% and it blew my guild up. That meant last tier I knew more about high end gear then you and your LFR did.
I am saying now that esports literally doesn't matter to anyone who doesn't want to get in to it. It doesn't even effect anyone unless they want to get in to it. Your weekly takes 30 minutes. If 30 minutes a week of killing trash kills your soul then maybe WoW isn't for you.
I would like to hear your counterpoint about how the esports aspect of WoW effects the normal player. Of course you won't won't give one. You will be an insufferable cunt again and rage about how I don't know shit without actually making a point.
Here's my logs just for you big boy -
View attachment 218076
Once again you have yet to ever come up with an actual counterpoint. Good job man.The fact that you cannot see the difference between even Legion and BFA. On top of the fact that you think your mythic guild who blew up because you think they are LFR raiders while being a middle of the pack Nightelf Demon Hunter of all things says all that needs to be said without additional explanation.
Read the spoilers for the Wrathion quest on PTR and I sure hope that its some sort of fake because
It reveals that there's a recipe for a potion that can block the influence of the Old Gods and a sample of said potion cures Ebonhorn.
I mean if there's a simple, or even not-so-simple, potion that can prevent the Old Gods from mentally torturing / influencing someone outside of their prison why would that shit not be in immediate mass production? Hell I'd make it goddamn mandatory for every newborn on the planet.
Darkmoon Faire is going on now and makes it easier to raise heirlooms. You also get exp/rep buffs.
BFA is pretty friendly to alts, actually. There's 101 different ways to level up and they've chopped up a lot of the quest lines to be skippable. The new Nazjatar Benthic gear is BoA so you can send it to alts, who can use it once they hit 120 for a huge ilvl boost right out of the gate. The only things you get stuck on are the newest of the new content, but if you manage to unlock flying, its stupid easy after that.
My guild is 3/8 M working on ashvane, and I personally enjoy M+ despite the steaming pile of shit it obviously is (fuck this trashfest)
I main Blood DK and while fun, they have been down in the gutter as far as raid tanks go for a few tiers now. I got a monk 110, thought about leveling it up (easy) and gearing it up (easy with M+), then I thought about Azerite and neck level and essence.
Yep i'll be a shit blood DK for the time being, fuck all that noise.
I don't know what this means? What are you insinuating ?Says the Monk tank