God this game... I ended up doing some "spring cleaning" this morning before work. I deleted all my old alts from all servers. All I have left is my main (since Vanilla) and a bank alt. Part of me almost wants to delete those too and just be done with WoW but I'm torn. Firstly, I'm just a week's grinding away from getting Flying, and secondly... well, when you've played the same character for all expansions since Vanilla, you do get a bit attached. But on the flip side, being a hunter, what originally "made" it for me back in the day is no longer in the game. When I first played a hunter back about 4 months before BC I was blown away by how amazing hunters were. The pet was more than just a stat stick to me, I loved the pet management aspect, and have used the same pet since level 11, The Rake from Mulgore (as a NE, the epic journey from Elwyn Forrest where I leveled up to Mulgore earned me an entire level from 10). After countless expansions they've gutted the pet mechanic so much he's at best a stat stick, and at worst, possibly even a hindrance. I play BM just for stubbornness if anything, though I would probably do better being a petless MM hunter. But I just can't do it.
So this morning I came to the realisation that I pretty much have three options now:
1. Continue playing WoW, play my hunter and just keep going.
2. Delete my hunter and find a new class to try. It would probably be a Shaman, as I did level one healing dungeons way back when. I loved it until they changed totem mechanics, but I still think it's the most fun healing class.
3. Delete my bank alt and hunter and just quit playing WoW for good.
If I do do one of the first two, it would be mostly doing shit like old dungeons for gear collecting, pet battles and archeaology with the odd heroic or even M+. I just can't be arsed with raiding any more. But that comes into what some mentioned above, that WoW is basically a glorified Trading Card Game.
So this morning I came to the realisation that I pretty much have three options now:
1. Continue playing WoW, play my hunter and just keep going.
2. Delete my hunter and find a new class to try. It would probably be a Shaman, as I did level one healing dungeons way back when. I loved it until they changed totem mechanics, but I still think it's the most fun healing class.
3. Delete my bank alt and hunter and just quit playing WoW for good.
If I do do one of the first two, it would be mostly doing shit like old dungeons for gear collecting, pet battles and archeaology with the odd heroic or even M+. I just can't be arsed with raiding any more. But that comes into what some mentioned above, that WoW is basically a glorified Trading Card Game.
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