Registered Hodor
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Still really fucking mad about this. Farming old dungeons actually became really enjoyable, and it wasn't just because I could complete them extremely fast but because I was now trying to break my own records.
I've toyed with the idea of making a speed druid to farm real low level shit but you have to cap them at like 111 and for some reason I feel like the scaling in next expac is going to completely break them so I don't know if I waste 2 months gearing it properly. Dark Iron warrior can also get insane speeds, but again same thing.
Between portals being removed, bear tartare nerf, and glider nerf it really makes me wonder if they were buttmad that a lot of players preferred to farm old shit instead of their BfA wizard chores. Or if they saw that players were spending a lot of time in old content and decided to try to milk more "time played" from it. Also their snarky one liner responses when certain bosses were broken for months upon end i.e. "What do you guys need that boss for anyways?" (looking at you, first boss in Hellfire Citadel). I know that's fixed now but it took them like 6 months to even look at it.
Anyways, I made this pimp to farm like a year ago and he's really fucking fast: Daliron - Character - WoW
I don't remember why I stayed 110 instead of 111, I think because secondary stats are higher for Longstrider and Aggramar's. Downside being you need Mythic Argus raid carries for BiS in a lot of slots where at 111 you can use BfA crafted shit, or something like that.
We'll see if the level squish breaks it but I'm already expecting the worst.
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