The only thing that currently has a catch up that didn't before is the essences. I guess they didn't have the azerite vendor at the start but they added it in Uldir right?A lot of the changes that have went in recently have been made in an effort to make it more "alt friendly". Unfortunately,Khane points out the painful truth.
essences are such a non issue for alts now, but I still feel bad for returning players. It's what makes me not suggest the game to people that want to come back and actually play the game.
everything else is pretty whatever to me. The cloak quest chain could maybe be cut an extra 20 minutes or something but aside from that alts have never been easier (for somebody who has already been playing).
The cloak quest is pretty much fine the bulk of what it wants you to do is stuff you would be doing anyways but for better rewards per time.essences are such a non issue for alts now, but I still feel bad for returning players. It's what makes me not suggest the game to people that want to come back and actually play the game.
everything else is pretty whatever to me. The cloak quest chain could maybe be cut an extra 20 minutes or something but aside from that alts have never been easier (for somebody who has already been playing).
At the moment, I think it's safe to consider that anyone returning before 9.0 a week or two before Shadowlands isn't going to enjoy the thing. The only thing I probably need would be the rep to finish BFA flying, since it will still be required in the next expansion...essences are such a non issue for alts now, but I still feel bad for returning players. It's what makes me not suggest the game to people that want to come back and actually play the game.
This is why I never got it never could find a winning island pvp. Pisses me off the seething shore brawl was never fixed as that could give it to you.Blood of the Enemy is the worst Essence to get, which is rough because it's amazing on several classes. Worst part about it for me was that no one wanted to run island PVP.
I would be surprised if they don’t at some point just put every essence on the vendor to buy with that currency even ones you had not otherwise unlocked. Kinda like the crazy shit at the end of legion.At the moment, I think it's safe to consider that anyone returning before 9.0 a week or two before Shadowlands isn't going to enjoy the thing. The only thing I probably need would be the rep to finish BFA flying, since it will still be required in the next expansion...
Whether or not I come back depends entirely on Thorgast. It's the only part that I might want to see - the rest of the expansion is obviously more of the same chores that finished breaking my will to play.
I would be surprised if they don’t at some point just put every essence on the vendor to buy with that currency even ones you had not otherwise unlocked. Kinda like the crazy shit at the end of legion.
The cloak is already pretty easy but I wouldn't doubt we see more accessibility coming in.I'm almost certain that we haven't seen the last of nerfs to the process of getting Essences. I also expect them to make getting the cloak powered up a joke a few months out from Shadowlands.
Essences are shit are probably going to be disabled by lvl 52 or something though right? So kinda doesn't really matter I think.
Yeah I mean 55 whatever, that still feels pretty pointless, besides dual boxing power leveling that I believe was a thing at BFA start(and then they nerfed it for whatever reason). Like you'll have your powerhouse character for a few hours at release and then it'll be just the same as Lil Timmy with his new boosted 120. Doesn't feel like it's worth grinding the annoying essences for a slightly faster leveling process. Especially since you can get rank 1 or for some 2 without too much effort and get a fair bit of that power already.If it's like legos were in BFA, it'll be 55. I'm hoping for that since I've already unlocked most of them.