As far as Titan Forging and similar - just let that system die. I get that people still want an avenue to have more choices as far as end game loot. Which, that idea in itself isnt a bad one. But I would rather have something that is a sure fire way to upgrade the item, rather than depending solely on my luck with RNG. Say for instance the item you want is the dino trinket. You get the item at base "normal tier" item level and have to go to an Engineer to get an upgrade (token, w/e) built. The upgrade calls for 15 souls of heroism. You run Heroic dungeons and get those 15 souls, now you can upgrade that one item to Heroic item level. If you want it to upgrade to the next tier, then rinse and repeat. If its a raid item you got in LFR, then you have to get 15 souls of (insert name of raid here). etc.