I always say I'm going to try out some fun video games but I play this one instead.
I work while flying places in WoW lol.I ain't got time to play other games, gotta do dailies and weeklies on 4 characters then 7 horrific visions a week, shit. Well, except for working on Civ games while I'm flying places in wow. That one works.
8.3 is really good but not if you're a returning/new player. Or interested in pvp lmao
I found it a lot worse than 8.2 was. The desire to keep playing 8.3 pretty much died after did enough to get cloak decently high and the two new reps to exhalted.
I agreed early on but with more sources of corruption and now targetable corruption, for the first time since reforging I actually have some sort of control over my character, and it's great.
It just all came way too late after I stopped caring. We'll see how Shadowlands look, may wait to check that out until after launch
Added a new Torghast currency called Tiresome. Completing 80 Torghast weekly runs award 1 Tiresome token. With 7 tokens you are now able to change your covenant!
Just level 4 of the same class and then play the covenant that's most powerful that season.