What i meant to say is how do I catch up to bfa content? Or is there just so much to do that its not worth it to try and catch up and just focus on hitting 120 and then waiting for shadowlands and just chalk the majority of the BFA expansion? Are there catch up mechanics like in legion?
If you are a fresh 120 and have never done any of the BFA content, it may not be worth trying to catch up. You would probably be better off waiting until pre-patch, as there will be easier catch-up mechanics then. However, I will let you know the best way to catch up and you can decide if it is worth your time.
1. Hit 120, ideally level in each zone until you hit friendly with all 3 zone factions (Horde - Voldunai, Talanji, Zandalari. Alliance - Orders of Ember, Proudmoore Admiralty, Storm's Wake).
2. Go to your boat, and get the intro to Najzatar questline (Horde = The Warchief's Order. Alliance = The Wolf's Offensive).
3. Complete this questline, which will get your heart of azeroth (necklace) to level 50.
4. The next time you zone, you will automatically get "The Black Campaign" questline. Accept this but don't follow it yet, your ilvl is likely too low.
5. Do your war campaign quests to establish a foothold in all 3 opposing factions zones. These quests are started on your boat.
6. Once these are completed, you should have world quests unlocked. World quests ilvl starts are 385, so fly around and complete all the gear ilvl missions to get your ilvl up.
7. After this you should be geared enough to start "The Black Campaign" questline. This is a relatively long and involved questline, but once you complete it, you'll have 1 piece of 430 azerite, 1 piece of 430 boots or waist & a 470 legendary cloak.
After this, you are kind of, sort of "caught up". The world quest ilvl gear goes up to 420 and is based off your current ilvl, so you can continue logging in every day & doing world quests that give you higher ilvl gear. Just doing this will get you to about a 415-420 ilvl.
There is a way to get your cloak to ilvl 500, which is doing horrific visions. If interested, you can read
this guide. This takes some time, just due to the fact that you are limited on how many visions you can run, so it may not be worth your time.
Pre-patch will drop ilvl 445 equivalent gear (it will be squished down, I think it is ilvl 100, but it equates to 445). In my opinion, getting your legendary cloak then waiting until pre-patch is your best move. But if you have the time, you can do all the above.