azeroth is a teenager and just getting into body mods.That's just a planetary adornment
Failed abortion.Speaking of plotlines.. we doing anything about the giant fucking sword killing Azeroth?
Showerthought: After Heroes of the Storm being a failure and BfA Warfronts being negatively received, why don't they implement the teased "Defense of the Alehouse" MOBA battleground? I would play that. The NPC tech should be already there.
That is where EQ:Next was supposed to go. But to be honest: Four abilities + Special does not have a lot of potential for gameplay depth. You can get away with adding items/clickies, but it's awkward. Reduced options gameplay is great for PvP as it is easier to balance, but not so great group/raid content for PvE.I want an ARPG w/ all the HotS assets.
No, shirt and tabard don't add to your gear score.Most of my gear is 400, don't have a shirt or tabard cause as far as I know those don't add any item level?
No, shirt and tabard don't add to your gear score.
Have you unlocked world quests? Rewards scale to 415. Do your emissary quests at the same time, they scale up to 430 if i remember.
Auction hause should have 400 weapons and some 400 gear.
Unlock Nazjatar, it is important and has catch up gear (Benthic) starting with 385. Benthic is upgradeable to 415.
This also unlocks Magni/legendary cloak quest which:
- powerlevels your Azerite neck to 50
- gives you the 470 legendary cloak
- gives you a 440 wrist
- essence system for neck (which gives you an active + passives)
- invasions + visions
If you ever hit the gear level for lfr, don't try to queue for the last 2 bosses. Just watch a video of them.Just picked this up for the first time in a bit cause I kinda want to check out this N'Zoth raid. I'm at 361 item level, what's a good way to raise that to 410 so I can drop into an LFR? Most of my gear is 400, don't have a shirt or tabard cause as far as I know those don't add any item level?
Looks like I'm 4 short of being able to queue for Heroic Dungeons and about 20 short of being able to queue for tier 3 raids. Doesn't seem like anyone's doing tier 1 or 2 raids anymore, been queued for an hour or so.
If you ever hit the gear level for lfr, don't try to queue for the last 2 bosses. Just watch a video of them.