I'm not saying the covenant system is good, just that, if they get 80% of the abilities tuned fairly close (to what they want), then it will be a slightly better tasting shit sandwich (when compared to the 8.0 azurite shit sandwich).
Furthermore, the BFA islands fucking sucked, and they gimped me more than any covenant looks to do, because I refused to do them after the first week.
Maybe I just have shit tinted glasses on, though; as I actually believed them, when they said Azurite would replace set bonuses and change how you play.
I couldn't remember if WoW had any black humans.
Last I saw them the boosters advertised "get a 470 item in your weekly box" and the "5 masks visions run", plus many achievements and mount runs. Also, most of them offer "item traders". I assume that means there are players in the run with the same armor class trading you their loot at the end.I wonder if they are doing some of that to fight the mass number of people boosting for cash?
You know I was thinking about how the M+ loot is getting nerfed to 1 item a run and the less than heroic quality, plus preventing things like armor stacking. I wonder if they are doing some of that to fight the mass number of people boosting for cash? I mean Bliz is to lazy to actually stop gold trading, botting, exploiting, etc. - but they could just make it not worth the time.
There will still be M+ boosting for more weekly Vault options and ilvl. Also, Blizzard loot-starving everyone for Shadowlands is to raise their MAU (Monthly Active User) numbers. More people online = more subs and services sales. "You see guys, now they'll NEED to get online if they want anything".
You'd think that the artists would soften the features; something to make it more relatable. Apparently NOPE, not a thing. You could cut a block of cheese with those features.
Not all black people look like they just stood on the deck of the Amistad tossing the last white man over. That variety is the key to making it look sort of ok; just making it "Angry Black Woman" and frndz does none of that.
I plan to level a fresh character 50-60 doing only the campaign quests, no side quests at all, minimal rested exp, and see if it's possible to hit 60 that way.
Don't waste your time. You were able to do that and Blizzard didn't like it, so they nerfed it. Also they added level checkpoints at the end of each zone, so you can't progress to the next one if you aren't the right level. Guy in beta did a video about it. Here's the relevant info from Wowhead.
Leveling Speed in Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, leveling will progress about 60-70% faster for 1-50, compared to the time it now takes to get from 1-120.
Levels will also become more meaningful, with something new awarded on every "ding".
Leveling speed for 50-60 takes a huge leap forward, so you will not fly through the levels. In beta, characters could get to 60 by doing only the zone campaign without any side quests, but this has been changed so more will be needed to level up beyond just following the base zone campaign quests.
Shadowlands Leveling Changes & Level Squish
The Shadowlands expansion introduces major changes to leveling. Find out why leveling changes were made, what's planned, and how to prepare!www.wowhead.com
Here's the video, the level checkpoints are posted at the end.
Edit: Also, something that doesn't make sense to me at all. They say 1-50 will be 60-70% faster than current 1-120. How is this better? With the current double xp buff that's been running a while, plus 45% heirloom and 30% Warmode, it's 175% faster than base right now. So, once pre-patch hits, and double xp goes away, along with heirloom buff it will be roughly the same as heirloom + pvp - 2x. Doesn't seem faster to me. Unless you run warmode it's a little better, but doing that during a new expansion launch will probably negate the bonus anyway.
It's faster than current 1-120, with xp boosts(current temp one and heirloom). At least on beta it was that much faster for me, and I did the BFA leveling without flying. It's just a shit ton faster and it does feel better since you get new things almost every levels, although sometimes the things are kinda meh(like a passive that makes a skill the way it was to begin with, tons of these).
Isn't heirloom XP bonus gone?