Goes to show you how lacking of a culture the gay community has as a whole. Yeah, I said it.
Why is it every time they introduce a gay character(s) to a game/tv show/movie, they can't just simply "be gay" and then go on with the plot? They always have to force some on-screen gay relationship or romance in order to really drive home "yep, this character is totally gayboys". They couldn't just give an NPC a line of dialogue indicating their sexual preference and be done with it, oh no. They have to bring in another gay NPC and then yes lets write a whole romance for them in novels, and we'll tie it into the game and there will probably be a questline where we can rescue them from the rainbow demon or some other stupid shit.
Notice how none of the other "hetero" characters in game ever had to be in a relationship or probably bang some opposite-sex-strange in some side novel and yet somehow they were able to make that character do OTHER things Warcraft related to advance the plot? This brings me to my original point - the gay community has no culture whatsoever. Everything for them is based around their sexuality. That's all they got.
Think or hell, go and check - any LGBTQ show on Netflix or any other streaming service right now. What's generally the primary plot behind "their" shows? Story of character(s) who is gay, and this is their life and their struggles with being gay. Pepper in some gay romance and gay sex, and viola you got yourself a hit Netflix series. That's it. That's the plot to literally every show they have out there. You never see any gay adventure movies, or gay sci fi shows or gay role playing games, etc because gay people are incapable of actually writing anything gay without making it so in-your-fucking-face-gay that it turns into some homosexual rom-com.
So how do they remedy this? They guilt/force the straight people to adapt their non-sexual movies/shows/games to include gay characters. And since their entire identity is based on their sexuality and nothing else, 'the characters better be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper obviously gay with proof or we'll cancel you.'
Sorry not sorry for rant. I'm so fucking tired of this shit.