Log Wizard
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Havent played in a while and figured I would try out some of the new changes. Rolled a new Alliance Druid and tried out hte new player experience, and holy shit, the voice acting and scripting is so bad I had to turn it off. Everything about it was just out right terrible.
This is NOT an improvement at all...wtf is Blizzard doing?
It is pretty jarring to see the massive drop in quality and creativity since BFA. I've been playing in Legion on my new toon and that expac is a billion times more fun than BFA.
In Legion, we got order halls, class mounts, legendaries, artifact weapons, and pretty sizeable content patches at decent intervals.
In BFA, we got a dumb neck thing no one gave a fuck about, a shitty cloak, fucked up corrupted gear, island things no one did, and warfronts that people only played a few times.
Oh yeah! The best content patch of BFA was the one that let us not play BFA.
WoW would be fucked beyond belief if they didn't have Classic to cloak how poorly they are doing at conjuring up new ideas.
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