Been trying out Torghast on the PTR, soloing with a blood DK. I haven't done too much but I did one pass through the easy levels. The randomness and the powers you get makes it feel like an MMO version of that game Slay the Spire.
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What if I told you there was an addon you could run in WoW, while you were busy shitposting on FoH or out baking a pretty cake, that would make the game completely free (for you) to play?
In the past few months, we heard that the Maw has no purpose and there isn't anything to do there.
Let me ask the important question:
Is it possible to play this expac at the highest level without visiting the Maw at all?
Is that still the case? Will my end game progression be stunted if I opt out of the Maw?
If I am required to go to the Maw-- I most likely will not purchase this expansion.
This thread is filled with dozens of separate reviews of the Maw, by forum posters and YouTubers;
- "it sucks",
- "there's nothing to do",
- "the Maw is terrible there's no meaningful progression there"
ad nauseam
It's hard to reconcile this with the reality that the Maw is required daily.
This thread is filled with dozens of separate reviews of the Maw, by forum posters and YouTubers;
- "it sucks",
- "there's nothing to do",
- "the Maw is terrible there's no meaningful progression there"
ad nauseam
It's hard to reconcile this with the reality that the Maw is required daily.
This thread is filled with dozens of separate reviews of the Maw, by forum posters and YouTubers;
- "it sucks",
- "there's nothing to do",
- "the Maw is terrible there's no meaningful progression there"
ad nauseam
It's hard to reconcile this with the reality that the Maw is required daily.
If sulking about how world pvp has no consequences and how much better things were when you could gank people and fully loot them, the Maw with warmode on could be just your thing though. Their great innovation is having you drop half of your currency on death, so you can gank that guy that just spent 3 hours farming and then corpse camp him until he gets kicked out of the maw for the day and can't get his body back. Fun times.
Well to be fair, you don't have to turn on warmode and then it doesn't happen. They added the thing specifically so while it does sound weird to have it, I don't know if they'll instantly remove it. They probably will nerf it a bit first and then maybe remove it if people keep complaining, but nothing really forces you to take the risk of losing your shit.This kind of interaction, where one person has fun at the expense of another one, is heavily frowned upon by Blizzard, I wouldn't be surprised if they removed the loss on death mechanic.
Well to be fair, you don't have to turn on warmode and then it doesn't happen. They added the thing specifically so while it does sound weird to have it, I don't know if they'll instantly remove it. They probably will nerf it a bit first and then maybe remove it if people keep complaining, but nothing really forces you to take the risk of losing your shit.
The maw shit definitely sounds fucking terrible though, and I doubt they'll bother fixing it until a few patches in, like right before it's phased out for yet another pointless gated upgrade system that'll replace it.
It's only my opinion and I haven't tested it, but I feel The Maw content looks worse than islands.
It's also trivial to bypass. Just mail all of your currency to an alt safely tucked away, and you're headed to your warmode with coppers on you.Well to be fair, you don't have to turn on warmode and then it doesn't happen. They added the thing specifically so while it does sound weird to have it, I don't know if they'll instantly remove it. They probably will nerf it a bit first and then maybe remove it if people keep complaining, but nothing really forces you to take the risk of losing your shit.
The maw shit definitely sounds fucking terrible though, and I doubt they'll bother fixing it until a few patches in, like right before it's phased out for yet another pointless gated upgrade system that'll replace it.
It's also trivial to bypass. Just mail all of your currency to an alt safely tucked away, and you're headed to your warmode with coppers on you.
We're not talking about gold though, what you lose is your Stygia on death, aka the Maw specific currency.
From the sounds of it, don't you lose half if you die, period? So there is some cost to staying till you get dropped by the Eye of the Jailer debuff?