Someone said it was in beta, but I imagined Torghast to be some kind of infinite tower that you kept your powers from floor to floor, ramping up until only most autistic could possibly progress further. Mix it up and add more shit to it each content patch, add just enough carrot to make it rewarding, and I would actually enjoy doing it regularly as a diversion when there isn't anything else going on. "Skilled" people get more of the rewards & faster, scrubby folks get less & slower, yet no one is completely left out.
If it wasn't such a featured part of this expansion, I'd almost expect them to drop it and forget it like the did with methhead army in Legion. That idea had potential too.
A month in, I don't find it as amusing as I'd originally thought it would be.
You have PvP and Raiding to make players feel like they getting kicked in the nuts all the time Blizzard, it's ok if the rest of your ingame systems are fun first.