They did the gear this way so that CN Normal would be compelling progression content for the first month rather than a complete was, then by the time people stop doing CN normal, there's catch-up gear so you can just do CN Heroic.
It honestly worked out fine timing-wise. The real problem is that you hit an ilvl progression-wall somewhere around ilvl 210ish unless you can break 1800 in PvP. The gear that drops in M+ is just too low ilvl and you're basically stuck waiting for your chest each week. Valor points will probably fix this but still seem grindy AF.
The problem is that you just can't make WoW all that compelling vs other modern games. It's fun for a month or two each season and then garbage for the next 3-4. They need to find a way to inject content mid-season
It worked out timing wise but isn't compelling? That's why it isn't compelling, it's designed to spit out good gear no matter what you do.
Here's a radical concept:
Convenant gear is equivalent to normal dungeon blues and not time gated.
All dungeons are heroic difficulty (delete the normal faceroll versions), then you got your difficulty scaling mythic version on top of that like it works now.
You can't do Castle Nathria unless your gear is at Mythic Dungeon level, so you actually have to do the dungeons and can't just skip them with covenant welfare epics. Raid finder is normal difficulty.
Castle Nathria awards gear better than everything other than high mythic dungeon keys. The final boss drops a legendary sword which is the only legendary you are getting this tier and involves some grinding to get.
The Vault only works if you clear Castle Nathria that week, just have one item drop if you do a full clear.
I was going to say that Castle Nathria only has one difficulty level, but how about Mythic Keys in raids? The bleeding edge raiders can compete for that +1 item level increase.
When the next raid comes out, you can't do it unless you have full Castle Nathria gear. If the new raid has a new dungeon packaged with it, it only has upgrades to make Castle Nathria easier, NOT to just skip the entire tier. Oh and there's an attunment for the new raid that requires you clearing Castle Nathria, fuck your alts.