Not sure if it's changed since I've played, but damage aside, the feel of the Venthyr ability for enhancement is just straight head and shoulders above the rest with only Night Fae coming close. And between those two, you have the Night Fae ability that you have to stand and channel as a melee and have to ground target (yes I know you can just macro the shit) yet scales down with number of targets, vs. Venthyr ability that you can just instant cast with maelstrom stacks and gets better with cleave and is just satisfying as all hell to just press. I really, really wanted to play Night Fae since I liked their aesthetics and flavor, but pressing that Venthyr chain shit just feels so fucking good vs. the clunky Night Fae shit that I just couldn't justify staying. Literally everything else about the Venthyr can suck my balls and I fucked hated playing in that covenant.