I don't want to be mean, but for that to work they would need to have someone who understands MMORPG games. Someone like Yoshi-P, who played every big MMO under the sun, and who wrote the infamous Excel sheet of what to do, and how to do it, for FFXIV: ARR in six weeks. I'd pay money to get that Excel sheet, but I guess I'd have to learn Japanese first.
Instead they have Ion, who only likes raids and finds the overworld and leveling annoying, and only for casuals. Instead they have a visual FX guy as lead class designer, probably because everyone else ran away, frustrated, by everyone having an opinion, and that we have to "esport" our flagship with PvP and PvE tournaments. Instead they have a non-binary ex-theorycrafter from Ion's band of merry jerks, that seems to jerk off to stacking systems on top of systems like a Jenga tower, with comparable stability after players like Rextroy start pulling the pieces apart.
The key difference here is that Yoshi-P seems to love his players. He plays with them on stream. He parses 95 in a PUG, as a black mage, at the end of the content cycle. Meanwhile the ivory tower at Blizzard looks more and more like Barad-dûr.
Ah, I guess the "not trying to be mean" didn't work out. Let's go full shitpost now.,
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