You have 14 Days. If after that time the suit is not properly dropped, I am cashing in my retirement fund, and selling all my stocks. The rest of my guild will follow suit, as will several other employees and people that used to work at Blizzard
To be brief, I did not work my ass off, jumping through your idiotic hoops with my friends in the parking lot housing area so I could go to a shitty company gathering and not grope women. EVEN if past these initial moronic events I can finally get my entire development team in to gangbang with me, FUCK YOU GUYS. Seriously, FUCK YOU.
I cannot believe this... right now I'm just so pissed off. I am sitting here in my offshore mansion, and Bobby Kotick is just sitting around doing nothing while a group of female employees are repeatedly trying to beat me off. Don't you people have ANY FUCKING DECENCY? KOTICK WHY DON'T YOU STOP COUNTING YOUR MONEY AND START SENDING LEGAL IN?
The tragic irony of creating the ultimate cockblock encounter in the form of civil lawsuits against poor employee working conditions.
14 Days.... after that, the parking lot where our employees are fed will change from the most popular Blizzard in-person fan gathering in 2020 to the most popular Riot Games fan gathering on the internet. I'm done playing ball with you useless fuckers... it's my turn.