World of Warcraft: Current Year


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My current place of employment? 0, I'm fulltime remote.

My previous place of employment, I shaved my head the second week and did just about everything to make myself as ugly as possible, project an aura of being absolutely no-fun, and still had to implement a 2-strike rule, which was never really violated.

When I worked at the university, pretty much constantly but it was a totally different vibe.
Must be some kind of record for gay men in the workplace.


Tranny Chaser
My current place of employment? 0, I'm fulltime remote.

My previous place of employment, I shaved my head the second week and did just about everything to make myself as ugly as possible, project an aura of being absolutely no-fun, and still had to implement a 2-strike rule, which was never really violated.

When I worked at the university, pretty much constantly but it was a totally different vibe.

This could turn it around for Tuco Tuco
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
My current place of employment? 0, I'm fulltime remote.

My previous place of employment, I shaved my head the second week and did just about everything to make myself as ugly as possible, project an aura of being absolutely no-fun, and still had to implement a 2-strike rule, which was never really violated.

When I worked at the university, pretty much constantly but it was a totally different vibe.

What would it take to let Furor defile your Planes?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Mist's lesbian delusions aside, I think she's pretty spot on regarding where Blizzard went wrong with their hiring decisions based on the interactions I've had with a girl who used to work at Riot. You go out of your way to hire young, hyperactive, attention-whore types who maybe put up with some bad attention they shouldnt for a couple years because of all the good attention then once you replace them and the attention goes away act shocked that theyre vindictive...thats kinda on you

I mean sure, if Blizzard HQ was located in Alabama and they were hiring from the Fox News broadcaster talent pool instead of the pronoun talent pool of southern California/the internet they might keep their mouths shut a bit longer but maybe just dont hire unqualified people and then try to take advantage of them because theyre unqualified in the first place
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<Gold Donor>
In my industry when women who were hired for their looks start getting older, they just start drinking a bunch of wine and complaining how hard it is to be a 'working mom'.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Automotive went through this shit too, around 1999-2000ish there was a HUUGE crackdown. When a few big news stories hit in the local, maybe even national news about big wigs and their golf outings with prostitutes and titty dancers. That business was all about pay for play back in the 60s-90s. Big stake contracts with tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers worth millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars meant those fuckers got wined and dined, and 69ed by call girls. Used to get huge gifts of furniture, electronics, vacation trips you name it. LOL talk about frat boys, those few in sales and the ones which controlled who those contracts went to back in them days lived like kings.
The fun comes to an end for everyone eventually. Happened in 91 to the military;

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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
At my last company, revenue-generating people could do basically whatever they wanted. Fuck and do coke in the office, no problem as long as you were generating leads or closing deals. Sleep with a client? Awesome. Rules were especially non-existent for sales people on the road. Meanwhile, in engineering, service, field operations, etc, the only rule was you couldn't date a direct report. When a semi-attractive new-hire was being onboarded to our NOC, a senior tech actually opened a ticket, in our system of record, titled: "Dibs on the Redhead."
I once got a call from HR for an email I wrote telling a female engineer she needed to do her job better (because she was horrible). She told HR she felt the email was demeaning. I got a call. I can't picture what your describing in real life and not on the TV screen.


<Gold Donor>
YEah before the crackdown our business was all based on time and materials type model. They would quote say 100 seats for a program, they would then staff the thing with 20-30 people that actually knew what they were doing, then the rest were literally staffed with MCI, friends and family. One place I heard about a manager got all fucked up at a strip club and hired 20 strippers to staff one.

It was crazy fucking times. We made a ton of bank back then because, again it was time and material so your seat, plus your computer and CAD license was quoted for like $200+/hr so they had mandatory OT of at least 56 hours. If you did not write down 56 on your time ticket, they got rid of your ass and replaced you with someone that would. LOL but none of us ever worked 56, it was a joke. If we worked a straight 40 it was a miracle. We were even stationed at Ford facilities at the time (we were jobbies) and the office was a ghost town at 9AM and then 4:30 rolled around and it became a ghost town again.

I think there was a year in there in the 90s I made something like $115K that year. As a 21 yr old making like $24/hr.

My first ever job was a night shift as a co-op making $8/hr as an 18 yr old. It was a 7:30PM to like 3AM shift. And our manager was an older Black dude that had a side business in real estate or some shit in the day. So he would fuck off to some officer and sleep while we would all party down. Drugs, alcohol, more drugs. We would go to the back of the parking lot of the office and just drink beer and smoke pot. It was crazy. I kept on thinking to myself back then so this is what real work is like? This is what my old man that comes home form work complains about?

CAD engineering back then was known as Detroit's best kept secret. Made a ton of cash and didnt do shit 1/2 the time.

But again all that changed in late 90s when they got rid of time and material across the board.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You go out of your way to hire young, hyperactive, attention-whore types
In their defense they're not actually attention-whores per-se, they're just nerdy late-bloomers who were completely ignored in high school, where they sat at lunch with the other honor-roll girls who liked anime and cats, continued to be effectively invisible through most of college, and then entered the tech workforce where all you have to be is white-ish and not fat to be considered a solid 8 at a minimum. So they're experiencing attention reserved for attractive females for the first time ever, have no clue as to the context-sensitivity of it, and think its super awesome. So it's not that they're attention-whores, it's that they've been attention-starved their entire lives and have no way of processing or contextualizing all the newfound attention they're getting.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Girls will be girls eh?
I don't know what you're trying to say with this here.

Not being savvy enough to handle a sudden influx of attention is not a crime. Not being savvy enough to realize you were only hired to give the men at work something to look at/flirt with/pursue/grope is not a crime.

Sexual harassment is.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I don't know what you're trying to say with this here.

Not being savvy enough to handle a sudden influx of attention is not a crime. Not being savvy enough to realize you were only hired to give the men at work something to look at/flirt with/pursue/grope is not a crime.

Sexual harassment is.
Men acting or treating women poorly due to their inexperience, lack of understanding or just being immature aka boys will be boys stopped being a valid excuse for their behavior quite some time ago.
90% of them look terrible.
Hey we found some more common ground.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Men acting or treating women poorly due to their inexperience, lack of understanding or just being immature aka boys will be boys stopped being a valid excuse for their behavior quite some time ago.
My point is that you haven't made any case for any wrongdoing from the girls. Being naive is not a crime, exploiting people for their naivety can be, especially if it was done in an institutional manner and the management charged with handling the wrongdoing chose to do nothing.


<Bronze Donator>
My point is that you haven't made any case for any wrongdoing from the girls. Being naive is not a crime, exploiting people for their naivety can be, especially if it was done in an institutional manner and the management charged with handling the wrongdoing chose to do nothing.
You don’t know what the words exploited or institutional mean seemingly. If anything this is an HR problem and you can guess what the makeup of that segment is.

oh look a Director of HR position at blizzard was posted as of two days ago!
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<Gold Donor>
LOL as if chicks are these poor innocent little flowers. Chicks know how to manipulate men better than anyone. Its their secret to life. They are born with this gift and use it to manipulate men which think with their dicks most times when they are around them Even the stupidest chicks have this gift. Thery are also toxic as hell to one another in the work place. Making life hell of other females in the workplace.

Do you egven know how easy it is for a chick to lead a man on and claim victim one minute after when they dont get what they want? And todays climate just feeds into that bullshit like never before. Men are literally canceled. Life ruined, no judge, no trial, no defense mounted, just outright canceled.

Like I said before, he said, she said. Except somehow her words mean more. Because lo and behold, hey there is all of a sudden 100 other chicks and their cucked orbiters, which have not reported anything for years when this shit supposedly was going on, but now all of a sudden they drop out of the woodwork to claim the prize of being a poor little innocent victim.
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