It is true, I've actually sent this exact feedback many times.I’m old. Classes have way too many hotkeys now for pvp.
It is true, I've actually sent this exact feedback many times.I’m old. Classes have way too many hotkeys now for pvp.
Lets let that game bake another 6 months before we start trying to get new people to try it.if you guys are sick of button spam you should try new world and their 3 button with 2 weapon swap combat system. That was one of the great things about that game.
Meh, while it has no end game there is plenty to do and level if you like leveling in mmos. Its got cool drop system too where you can farm named and shit while leveling. I thought that was cool. So it wasnt ALL bad its just that by the time you hit 50s content kinda falls off. And end game is basically non existent for PvE. Still think its worth every penny at $40 and no sub.Lets let that game bake another 6 months before we start trying to get new people to try it.![]()
I hit level 20 and haven’t played since.. people got higher than that?!New World is a great game if you're the type of MMO player who picks up something new, plays the shit out of it, peters out in the last few levels before max level and then never plays the game again.
I tried playing. I hit the Archivist Codex rep wall which is the stupidest thing I've seen in a while. To upgrade gear beyond 220, you need max rep with Codex, but the only way to get it is the rare WQ or hunting rares. Hunting rares only works on Tuesday after the reset, and any other day Korthia is dead empty. I did the entire rare cycle and got 300 rep. At this rate, getting the final two stages of rep will take me a year. Why? It is supposed to be a catchup zone.I hit 60 months ago, and quit preeeety quick after I noticed:
* all the forts/assets/quests were literally copy / pasted in the last few zones,
* my $$$ was going down really quickly despite playing due to brokenly high taxes, repairs and fees fees fees
* PvP was limited to 50vs50 and yet still had 5-10 seconds of lag and freezing. Apparently it's down to a few seconds of unresponsiveness now, progress!!
I noticed they lost 90% of the initial player base, but to be honest it looks like the pop has been stable at 90k or so for the last month. I don't know what they see in it.
Tf? I guess you're comparing WoW and New World's pointless grinds? I would say Im surprised you're playing WoW in general, but given there is fuck all in the MMO genre right now that people actually want to play... eh. I havent heard a single thing about Korthia that people thought was good. Last I heard about it was from a streamer ranting endlessly about how terrible it was and I think it was Bellular and he knows his channel is mostly WoW folks.I tried playing. I hit the Archivist Codex rep wall which is the stupidest thing I've seen in a while. To upgrade gear beyond 220, you need max rep with Codex, but the only way to get it is the rare WQ or hunting rares. Hunting rares only works on Tuesday after the reset, and any other day Korthia is dead empty. I did the entire rare cycle and got 300 rep. At this rate, getting the final two stages of rep will take me a year. Why? It is supposed to be a catchup zone.
Also, they have way too many different types of currency. To get some items, you need two grind assed currencies. To get tmog gear, you need two currencies and a lot of one that is boring and grindy to get.
All this is supposed to keep people subbed as long as possible, but I bet many see those grinds and cancel like I did.
The only chance they have to bring new players back is Burning Sands, imo. Which burning sands was rumored to be coming out about 3 months past launch - which obviously has never happened. The dev blog barely touched on Burning Sands and they gave a pretty good idea of what was on their time line for about the next 3-4 months. Meaning we aint seeing that place for quite a while. I can only assume that they know that a huge chunk of new content like that will bring back players in droves and are trying to fix / refine the game into something more palatable for your average MMO player before releasing said piece of content.I hit 60 months ago, and quit preeeety quick after I noticed:
* all the forts/assets/quests were literally copy / pasted in the last few zones,
* my $$$ was going down really quickly despite playing due to brokenly high taxes, repairs and fees fees fees
* PvP was limited to 50vs50 and yet still had 5-10 seconds of lag and freezing. Apparently it's down to a few seconds of unresponsiveness now, progress!!
I noticed they lost 90% of the initial player base, but to be honest it looks like the pop has been stable at 90k or so for the last month. I don't know what they see in it.
Grinds are one thing, but to have them severely limited is another. I saw one Codex rep WQ last week. ONE. As I said, can't grind it via zone bosses because the zone is empty 6 days a week. I was wrong about it taking a year. At this rate, it will take half a year. Half a year to go from 220 ilvl to 226. Carrot and stick is important to MMO, but this expac is all stick.Tf? I guess you're comparing WoW and New World's pointless grinds? I would say Im surprised you're playing WoW in general, but given there is fuck all in the MMO genre right now that people actually want to play... eh. I havent heard a single thing about Korthia that people thought was good. Last I heard about it was from a streamer ranting endlessly about how terrible it was and I think it was Bellular and he knows his channel is mostly WoW folks.
The only chance they have to bring new players back is Burning Sands, imo. Which burning sands was rumored to be coming out about 3 months past launch - which obviously has never happened. The dev blog barely touched on Burning Sands and they gave a pretty good idea of what was on their time line for about the next 3-4 months. Meaning we aint seeing that place for quite a while. I can only assume that they know that a huge chunk of new content like that will bring back players in droves and are trying to fix / refine the game into something more palatable for your average MMO player before releasing said piece of content.
You get what you deserve. People have been warning everyone not to play this expac for a whole year.Grinds are one thing, but to have them severely limited is another. I saw one Codex rep WQ last week. ONE. As I said, can't grind it via zone bosses because the zone is empty 6 days a week. I was wrong about it taking a year. At this rate, it will take half a year. Half a year to go from 220 ilvl to 226. Carrot and stick is important to MMO, but this expac is all stick.
I finally dropped my last RSS feeds from mmochamp and wowhead. I think I was somehow hopeful that the game would turn around but the latest "let's move from 1 of every talent to complete talent tree" for flying made me finally realize that there was no hope for WoW.You get what you deserve. People have been warning everyone not to play this expac for a whole year.
I keep reading them and had that thought a couple days ago and asked myself why when I dont play at all.I finally dropped my last RSS feeds from mmochamp and wowhead. I think I was somehow hopeful that the game would turn around but the latest "let's move from 1 of every talent to complete talent tree" for flying made me finally realize that there was no hope for WoW.
The next expansion will fix it!I think I was somehow hopeful that the game would turn around but the latest "let's move from 1 of every talent to complete talent tree" for flying made me finally realize that there was no hope for WoW.
They can't be this stupid, so I think that they are intentionally letting the player base shrink to reduce server costs.The next expansion will fix it!
From the rumors going around, all of Blizzard is going full in on the "Season Pass" model instead of full-fledged expansions. Because the "big box sale" every two years isn't enough anymore for Activision.
Is this a trick question? Consumers are already conditioned to playing the patch and not the expansion, so why not let them pay for each patch individually? It's $60 every two years per expansion, and in the future it will be 30 to 40 dollars per patch, ideally three to four per year. Especially if you can recycle assets and do micro-expansions in the style of "Legacy of Ykesha". This will probably be the canary that it's going to be a managed decline all the way to the bank.They can't be this stupid
However this causes some destabalisation which is the lore reasons for the shift to seasons and in particular is going to be in part the origins of the infinite dragonflight to set up the first season and the dragon isles zone in 10.0