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I mean its all so convoluted. If this is the realm of death, then why is Zereth Mortis located within its boundaries? Each covenant represents the inner cosmic forces (Life, Death, Order and Disorder) and the "in-between" is possibly connected to the Void? But then where is the light represented?I remember seeing this graphic now and being kind of excited for shadowlands. My understanding were that these were factions within the shadowlands but I guess the SL are all belonging to the death pantheon. So did the progenitors also create the "gods" from the other pantheon too? If so that soils the whole situation. Was kinda hoping these pantheon were birthed from energies in the universe Ala 40k.
As for your Warhammer 40k reference, Elune is the closest thing you got. Some people think she may be a robot at this juncture, but her origin was never defined. She came after the Titans, and although she calls the Winter Queen sister, she isnt a part of the Eternal Ones. Present in life and death. Sister likely just being a sign of friendship, rather than of kinship.
Anyways - leveled up character to max lvl on the leveling server. It takes about the same time as it did in BFA and kind the quests are kind of interesting. Some references to some past expansions, but not a single reference to Shadowlands which I thought was comical.