Avatar of War Slayer
Oh the things you forget when you stop playing for years, eh? Lust is Bloodlust/Hero.Did about half the raids in Shadowlands. These raids actually seem pretty cool, at least on a first go. Remind me a lot of Legion raids.
Not sure why Sylvanas isn't the final boss instead of this new weirdo. Seems like they're building her up to be the final boss, at least as of the halfway point.
What is "lust" and what is "soaking"? I'd ask in a raid but I noticed anyone who asks any questions gets like roundly mocked in WoW. It reminds me of Idiocracy when he suggests drinking water and they all mock him for wanting to drink from a toilet.
"This guy doesn't know what lust is! What a dumbass!" "And he talks like a fag!" before everyone goes flying off of cliffs and shit.
Soaking, on the other hand, is one of the dev teams favorite mechanics now days. Some fire/puddles/voidzones need people to stand in them. Sometimes, that boss mechanic needs a person in each little circle, or it wipes the raid, and sometimes you need 5 to 10 people in one, so it splits the damage between them. There are even some bosses with tank cleave soaks, where both tanks need to take the cleave so it splits the dmg. In mythic, these mechanics often give a debuff that make it so the whole raid has to take at least one soak.
The dudgeon journal should tell you what is a soak, or the wowhead guide defiantly will.
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