IDK, at least the story has some sort of terrestrial direction rather than LETS GO TO SPAAAAAACE. Shadowlands was fucking awful.
The systems are OK if a bit... underwhelming. I was expecting something more from this one, since DF was the 'unfuck itself' expac, yet managed to redo talents competently (a MASSIVE job), add a new trans pride class and spec, completely redo trade skills to not be complete shit, completely redo the rep system so it matters again and added dynamic flying pretty well which is a miracle since there's so many ways they could have fucked that one up.
So I'm at a loss for how they could be launching with ... scenarios and islands but underground, the typical talent and skill bloat +10, and some changes to make more stuff account wide?
Am I missing some major pillar here? The only thing I can think of is they are doing mini expacs like that one leak and this is one per year with one major patch and then another expac in 12 mo instead of 24 mo cycle? I would be OK with that, maybe.