World of Warcraft: Current Year


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The more adds that come, the worse my destro Warlock seems to be. I've been in Top 3 on all the LFR stuff I've done, but that isn't really saying much. Hopefully can get some normal mode in on Saturday afternoon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dk tanking is still fun to me because of the number of tools I have to counter shit that happens. it's button heavy and not as straight forward as say warrior or paladin, but I love it. The skill gap between a shitty DK tank and one that uses all his tools properly is pretty damn big, and the difference is very noticeable.

So far mechanics for tanks (in raids) have been more diverse than previous Xpac where the first tiers were mostly tank and spank with an additional tornado to avoid here and there.
Yea Highmaul so far (up through mythic kargath) has been engaging for me as a tank without being tedious as fuck like SoO bosses. Though I tanked on a prot paladin in MoP, I'm absolutely loving warrior mobility. The lack of hard cooldowns kind of sucks dick since it's basically shield wall, but shield block allows me to take almost half of the white damage our DK tank takes.


Trakanon Raider
Wait wait, are you saying you can use bonus rolls on the same boss multiple times per week or am I reading this wrong? I thought it was just normal loot + one bonus per week.
I save all my bonus rolls for the week for Ko'ragh. Used 5 rolls on him last week and 3 rolls so far this week. I have 1 coin left for another heroic kill for a shot at the 2h.

A 670 2h will take my static dps to around 26-27k for most fights.


A Mod Real Quick
Its part of the mechanic, even in normal you have to AE some but in heroic you will be going all out to blow them up before he drops hopefully. There is actually quite a bit of changing tank mechanics but the fight is 100% an idiot check for your DPS if they make the minimum DPS cut.

You can check our logs too to see how they ramp up if youre bored at work Noodle.
Where do I find said logs?


Trakanon Raider
As a Disc Priest I feel like my raid healing is very.... mediocre. I get smashed by druids generally on raidwide dps fights, like Ko'ragh. I usually cap out around 24-28k as a ilvl 648. We get Cascade and Prayer of Mending, which are low cost but weak and on cooldowns. Then you have Prayer of Healing. which is 20k to a group for 11.5k mana. On Ko'ragh I have to hit 4 of those things just to get rid of the stupid Shadow shield on a single group which is a quarter of my mana. I will blow a CD to reduce the cost for the first time he does that, but then it is down for 3 minutes which is ass. Otoh on the Butcher I just did 30k hps, but that's the Patchwerk fight which is super easy on everybody's parses, le sigh.


Toe Sucker
Nice, they plan on implementing the "kronos" style game time currency item that EQ has-finally.

Source here.

World of Warcraft has had quite an eventful year. We released the newest expansion, Warlords of Draenor, on November 13. The first raid opened up in early December, and players have had a go at some of Draenor's most fearsome foes. We marked the 10-year World of Warcraft and 20-year Warcraft anniversaries in-game and with an incredible celebration at BlizzCon last month; debuted a new documentary, World of Warcraft: Looking for Group, on YouTube and Hulu; and released a new pet to support the American Red Cross and their Ebola relief efforts in Africa-and we're not done yet.

We're excited about what's ahead in 2015, and we wanted to give you a glimpse at some of the long-term projects we're working on, as well as some features planned for the Patch 6.1 update, which will be hitting the Public Test Realm (PTR) soon.

Feeling Legendary
We hope everyone is enjoying the Legendary quest line with Khadgar, the next step of which opens up with the Blackrock Foundry raid in the new year. We're already working on the steps after that, and the quest line will continue in Patch 6.1, where the first-ever Legendary Follower (with suitably Legendary abilities) will be available to join your Garrison. If you're a fan of collecting Followers but haven't set out on the Legendary quest line, now is a good time to get started!

Pepe's Favorite New Feature
We're working on the ability to send out Tweets-including screenshots-directly from within WoW, making it easier than ever to let friends know about your Achievements and item drops. We'll be testing this functionality on the Patch 6.1 PTR.

Flight Master Competency
We have some new tech in the works that will allow flight masters to provide more-direct routes to your destination, regardless of the flight points your character knows. This'll mean fewer roundabout routes; the flight masters will instead always try to send you on the shortest existing route. Hopefully, this will get you to your destination faster.

All About That Base
Garrison improvements, tweaks, and additions are on the horizon. While we're working on some bigger additions for later on, we have a lot of other changes and additions you'll see on the next PTR. We're working on making visiting your friends' Garrisons even more rewarding, with a daily visitor to set you and your friends on a fun random task (complete with rewards, Achievements, and a meta-Achievement for finishing all of the tasks). We'll have awesome new items to spend your Garrison Resources on, new Missions to complete with fun new rewards, new items to change your Followers with, a new tier of Garrison-invasion difficulty for the most tenacious of defenders among you (can your Garrison withstand a world boss?), new profession-building Missions, and a whole lot more!

New Ways to Play
We're exploring the possibility of giving players a way to buy tradable game-time tokens for the purpose of exchanging them in-game with other players for gold. Our current thought on this is that it would give players a way to use their surplus gold to cover some of their subscription cost, while giving players who might have less play time an option for acquiring gold from other players through a legit and secure system. A few other online games offer a similar option, and players have suggested that they'd be interested in seeing something along those lines in WoW. We agree it could be a good fit for the game, and we look forward to any feedback you have as we continue to look into this feature.

Collecting Your Heirlooms
We're pretty far along in development on the much-talked-about Heirloom tab. This will bring the whole Heirloom system into a single account-wide collection UI and provide a clear purchase/upgrade path for all items. Heirlooms already on characters will be collected into the new UI (similar to other Collections features), base-level Heirlooms will be purchasable from vendors, and upgrade tokens that can be used on Heirlooms to raise their effectiveness to additional level caps will be obtainable through different forms of content. We'll be looking for your feedback on the new system when the 6.1 PTR goes live.

The new War Games skirmishes feature allows anyone to run an online tournament, and we're excited to see even more community-run tournaments in 2015. We'll of course be running tournaments with our eSports partners as well, and will release details as those plans are finalized. As you saw at the Arena World Championship, we've come up with an improved UI to help viewers better follow the action, but we've been working on a complete overhaul for next year-with the goal of making it widely available for use in player-run tournaments, partner tournaments, and online casting. We hope to be able to share more soon.

You're More Beautiful Every Day
As we discussed in the recent preview, new Blood Elf models are on their way, and we're looking to get them in-game in an upcoming patch. Alongside the new Blood Elf models we'll also be implementing a couple of tweaks and fixes for other character models, based on player and our own internal feedback, with some additional changes to come in future patches.

Ashran So Far
We're continuing to focus on realm pairing and tech changes to help ensure more even fights between the Alliance and the Horde, as well as reduce the queue times to get into the PvP zone for those realms experiencing them. Further into the coming year our focus will be on updating and expanding the content Ashran offers in big new ways, but we'll have more info on that as we get closer to patches beyond 6.1.

Game Ogre
Raiders are continuing to enjoy Highmaul in all its ogre-y glory, and we're watching how things play out as the last couple wings open in Raid Finder difficulty. While progression through Highmaul continues, Warlord Blackhand is eagerly awaiting your arrival in the Blackrock Foundry raid. We're expecting Blackrock Foundry to become available in February. We'll announce specific dates once we've seen more of how Highmaul progression . . . progresses.

. . . And Beyond
We have a ton of awesome content planned for next year, as well as some fun surprises, and we can't wait to share more. See you in-game!
-- legendary follower inc
-- world boss invasions inc
-- more shit to spend garrison resources on
-- "krono" system where you can buy game time token to sell in game
-- more missions
-- tweet from in-game
-- heirlooms tab inc
-- new be models should be soonish
--next raid tier is in february


Lord Nagafen Raider
As a Disc Priest I feel like my raid healing is very.... mediocre. I get smashed by druids generally on raidwide dps fights, like Ko'ragh. I usually cap out around 24-28k as a ilvl 648. We get Cascade and Prayer of Mending, which are low cost but weak and on cooldowns. Then you have Prayer of Healing. which is 20k to a group for 11.5k mana. On Ko'ragh I have to hit 4 of those things just to get rid of the stupid Shadow shield on a single group which is a quarter of my mana. I will blow a CD to reduce the cost for the first time he does that, but then it is down for 3 minutes which is ass. Otoh on the Butcher I just did 30k hps, but that's the Patchwerk fight which is super easy on everybody's parses, le sigh.
If you're trying to compare your healing between Ko'ragh and Butcher as disc, you're gonna have a bad time. Two completely different fights with completely different damage mechanics. Beating yourself up for no reason man.


Potato del Grande
As a Disc Priest I feel like my raid healing is very.... mediocre. I get smashed by druids generally on raidwide dps fights, like Ko'ragh. I usually cap out around 24-28k as a ilvl 648. We get Cascade and Prayer of Mending, which are low cost but weak and on cooldowns. Then you have Prayer of Healing. which is 20k to a group for 11.5k mana. On Ko'ragh I have to hit 4 of those things just to get rid of the stupid Shadow shield on a single group which is a quarter of my mana. I will blow a CD to reduce the cost for the first time he does that, but then it is down for 3 minutes which is ass. Otoh on the Butcher I just did 30k hps, but that's the Patchwerk fight which is super easy on everybody's parses, le sigh.
Dont cast PoH


The disc priests in my guild are consistently topping the meters, seemingly by doing little more than spamming PW:S on everyone. How effective that is, I don't know, but they regularly top the meters by like 5k HPS or so.


Anyone notice a suspiciously large gap between heroic and mythic? I think heroic is probably too easy. I barely raided in MoP so I can't really compare, but my guild is in this weird situation right now where we're already blowing through heroic with barely a wipe, but we're not even slightly close to being ready to work on mythic (first boss aside, it being a joke). I'd rate this guild's level as being generally heroic with potential for mythic raiding when it's no longer competitively relevant, probably a month after the top guilds stop competing.

However, two weeks in, we're already clearing all of heroic and normal in one 3-hour raid session, but on mythic we're still at the point of spending an entire evening wiping to Twin Ogrons without ever getting it below 50%. It makes for a weird raid schedule as we really have no business doing mythic yet, but the preceding content is a complete walkover and has been from the start, so we wipe it all out in one sitting. It feels like trying to skip an entire difficulty, but we aren't.

I don't remember there being this kind of divide in WotLK/Cata; once normal raiding was completely trivial, you would be ready to start making noticeable progress on heroic (now mythic). If you weren't a heroic-level guild, you weren't going to mop the floor with normal.


Vyemm Raider
You need over a month of farming heroic to do mythic - that's how much those uber guilds farm in one week with their 4+ split raids.

Their average ilevel was barely under 670 going in.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You need over a month of farming heroic to do mythic - that's how much those uber guilds farm in one week with their 4+ split raids.

Their average ilevel was barely under 670 going in.
Need challenge mode raids imo. Set gear levels to that early mythic difficulty :3


Dont cast PoH
He's doing it wrong.

Dude, in that fight you don't just cast PoH when Shadow shield is up, that shadow shield affects all HEALING... but NOT absorptions. Do you have Spirit Shell? get Evangelism up, then Spirit Shell, then PoH. It'll turn that 20k heal into a real 20k Absorption shield and not a fraction of 'real healing'. When the shield "phase" is over just heal like normal and top people up.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I actually think all of them are ok. Windwalkers and ret paladins do great damage, enhancement shamans do crazy AoE (no idea on single target). Shadow priests - I haven't been impressed with anyone in my raid. Druids seem to be good at all their specs but tanks might be lacking

I have had a shitty 620 heirloom weapon on my paladin for ages and I can't stomach doing more heroics as I just want it as a raid alt. Randomly appeared a epic armament mission and I squeak with joy at the 97% chance of completion I am presented with. Guess what happened? I completed it and got my zweihander with perfect stats!


Lord Nagafen Raider
This is something I don't understand as well. I've cleared normal HM on my Disc Priest (640 ilvl), I was usually #2 behind a druid and even then we were both around 16k-18k HPs overall during a given fight. I don't understand how they can expect 20-24k HPS and even then you'd be having a ton of overhealing (which is ignored by most people for some reason).
Because most people can't read healing meters and have no clue about them. It's a dead horse, so I won't go on, but holy shit, I'm glad I don't pug anymore.