World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I got lazy with the mine but started back up after realizing it's my only real source for primal spirits.
If you join a pit group you can barely keep with with rolling need on primals. I think that would probably be the best way. Well technically the best was some dude who was running a scam pit group and very casually in the comments said looting will be ML and all primals go to him. I bet he probably was making like 200 primals an hour. He just had to endure all the people spitting venom at him to complete their pit daily.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
First world problems, but I finally get rid of some BoE gloves that were plummeting in value... and I then get another pair of them the next day from the highmail raid follower mission?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
HM BoEs are plummeting everywhere since trash groups are so popular. I got my heroic Eyeripper for 19k I think. It isn't the best belt for a sub rogue (more a combat belt) in the world but ilvl is ilvl.


<Bronze Donator>
If we do that ICC thing tonight do all of my toons share achievements? Do you need the mount or you just offering to help hooker?
Your mounts should all be account wide but someone else will have to answer if that's different for an achievement based one. Just offering to help.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you do ICC the mount is shared account wide both for the LK drop and the achivement one.


Finally downed mythic Twins last night after 50~ or so pulls, quite a bit of a jump up from Kargath despite the fight not changing that much from heroic. You just can't have people get hit by charge, ever.. shockingly difficult concept.

Another week of loot pinatas and shouldn't have any problem with it next week tho and on to Brackenspore.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
If we do that ICC thing tonight do all of my toons share achievements? Do you need the mount or you just offering to help hooker?
You don't have that yet? What are you missing?

Mounts are account-wide, but not for achievements (exceptions are some of the garrison stuff). You can have some characters with achievements others don't, but they don't intersect for raiding.

If you don't get it tonight, contact me after reset, I've banged out every achievement there. I only had a problem with the green dragon because of portal jockey and healing, but need a reset to finish that up (I fucked up between 10 and 25 instances with my priest).


Blackwing Lair Raider
You don't have that yet? What are you missing?

Mounts are account-wide, but not for achievements (exceptions are some of the garrison stuff). You can have some characters with achievements others don't, but they don't intersect for raiding.

If you don't get it tonight, contact me after reset, I've banged out every achievement there. I only had a problem with the green dragon because of portal jockey and healing, but need a reset to finish that up (I fucked up between 10 and 25 instances with my priest).
Yeah that's the only achieve I couldn't get the healing dragon one for the 10m. The problem is our healers haven't done normal so I can do heroic for the heroic Valithira kill. Someone trolled me in Rerolled and had me bandaging that goddamn dragon for 20 minutes lol.

Slaythe can heal it or Faydark they said tonight though, maybe we can get a crew for the 25m on reset also for people who need.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Probably me on the bandage thing lol. I did that actually on normal with my hunter, but I couldn't on Heroic. Apparently she loses life on Heroic and you can't combat it. On Normal you can use WoD level bandages and it takes a few heals, but you have to make sure to kill off all the geists draining her life and wipe out enemies that can interrupt your first aid.

Portal Jockey had me flipping out this week until I realized I could do it with a healer. Just blast the dragon with heals hard before the first portal, and done. Unfortunately my achievements don't criss-cross, so my priest has it but my hunter doesn't.

I did it with my priest and he's not even level 100. Anyone maxed with HM raid gear would bang that out in a minute. Let me know if you still need it after reset.


<WoW Guild Officer>
If we do that ICC thing tonight do all of my toons share achievements? Do you need the mount or you just offering to help hooker?
Alliance specific mounts (Palomino I'm looking at you) aren't available for horder characters and vice versa.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Are monks viable at all three of their roles? I know they are for tank and DPS but I don't see healer monks too often.


Vyemm Raider
So, has someone out there nerded out the window for combat rogues to delay adrenaline rush for KS? Or delaying for max guile? With shadow blades + Assurance of DPS the cooldown was so fast you didn't give a shit but I'm guessing that isn't the case now.

Anyway, rocked out 12.5k on LFR butcher the moment I hit 615 with no enchants or consumables. So now I have an idea of the baseline for absolutely apathetic ineptitude.

(15k in 650+ heroic pugs is sadly common)

I'm really enjoying the new rotation for combat AOE.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've never played Combat but from what I understand it is almost always a DPS gain long term to just pop AR off cooldown. At least according to icy.


Trump's Staff
Are monks viable at all three of their roles? I know they are for tank and DPS but I don't see healer monks too often.
The main problem with Mistweaver is that Multistrike is by far your best stat and Mastery is near-worthless. Guess which stat is on basically every HM leather piece and which stat is on basically none of them. Going from HM gear to BRF gear is like a 50% HPS increase due to better itemization alone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are monks viable at all three of their roles? I know they are for tank and DPS but I don't see healer monks too often.
The excel imo at all 3 roles, weve had 30k dps monks and used them to tank heroic imp and heal heroic imp just fine. Its confusing when someone mentions anything about monks other than being badasses.