World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
The WoW subreddit is right up there with the most useless places for any kind of information. It is basically "Lulz look at this lulz screenshot for hte lulz" or "Lulz PePe did something unexpected lulz"
Oh I agree. My point is I don't subscribe to any real WoW forums because all it is and always has been is a giant cesspool of whiny bitches.

My view may be skewed as I only play 5-10 hours per week.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
This is the expansion for alts imo - even I caught the bug and prior to this expansion I never even entertained the thought of having more than one character. Now.. I have something ridiculous like a horde monk, and priest and an Alliance Monk, Druid, and Mage. I only gear the Monks and sometimes the mage - but the Garrisons do induce some kind of satisfaction when they are done for the day.

Mostly for the gold that each one brings in - because even if you bot, the market is fucking dead on most servers. Itll explode when BRF comes out with new trade patterns, Im sure. But right now.. a 200 Stack of Leather is like 240g and Sumptuous Fur stack is like 360g. A couple weeks ago, it was double that price on both. Which honestly, the market is the biggest thing that needs to be fixed right now. Hopefully the Scavenging nerf goes a long ways, but I think they need to go a step further.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm actually enjoying the hell out of this expansion. Heroics are a joke and so is LFR but for some reason I don't really care? It's odd because I would have in the past. Maybe I don't feel like thinking critically about this anymore? If I want to play some deep, difficult, artsy(?) game then that is out there for me and exists in the realm of single player games. I play MMO's to enjoy all those little moments of progression and when I come across some random, cool challenge then that's just kind of a bonus. It's a drug really and i'm fine with that. HM and mythics still seem plenty challenging for the people who want that (I do, in the long run).


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
WoD is severely lacking in meaningful gameplay for anyone with more than like an hour a day to play.
Unless you have a stablefull of alts.

Basically, for your main:

10mn) Do your garrison maintenance: harvest, work orders, cooldowns, launch missions
Optional: 10mn) Do fishing daily (include going to closest fishing spot to a flypath; you usually need to fish every 2 days as the 10mn fishing session from your sharpened hook or worm supreme buff gives you enough to do 2 dailies)
Optional: 20 to 30mn) Do apexis daily, depending on where, what
Optional: 30-40mn) Inn daily on some days to complete your set of toys for the Toybox, assuming you have an Inn and are interested in those

And then you wait for raid time. That's it.

If you've got a large stable of alts, you add 10mn per alt for its garrison maintenance.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Seals? I kinda skipped my last few apexis quests because I hate how boring they are and the gear seems lame. You can get seals from the daily apexis quest?


<WoW Guild Officer>

Sorry, I'm not good at humor/sarcasm.


Bunker, Gold, GR.

Yes, the whole thing with accepting different forms of "payment" is that you are free to PvP or whatever, but Apexis is really crap. They need to rework the gear and the price for Apexis become a bit more alt friendly or something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I stopped doing Apexis, is just not worth it.
Not being in a hurry, I tend to do the ones that are easy to do. Some of the missions take a lot longer than other missions. I will only do them on my main. I am not going to alt farm apexis crystals.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah for apexis I usually do shatt and the pit and that's it. Luckily it seems to be those two 5 out of the 7 days of the week.


Trakanon Raider
IMO they should make LFR gear 630. Keep normal at 655. Introduce a token system for 640 obtained via heroics. Allow said heroic gear to be upgradable to 655. Make the fully upgraded heroic gear actually itemized well so technically a full set of 655 heroic would be better than 655 normal. Maybe consider even adding a new tier of 5man content (not CM) when higher tier raids come out so you can upgrade the 655 to 670 or something. Basically give 5man content a meaningful place again. Don't make it better than actual progression raiding obviously but make it about on tier with normal raiding.
Challenge Mode: Increased the item level of gear awarded from completing daily Challenge Mode quests to 660 (up from 640).
Defeat a dungeon boss: Awards a bag with a chance to contain a level 630, 645, or 655 item token.
From PTR looks like they agree with you.


Vyemm Raider
I'm not sure what to think of the salvage changes. Yes, war ravaged and blackrock pieces are just junk for my main characters now, but this seems like a huge nerf for anyone behind the curve or new alts.

I also don't get the fishing changes. They make satchels BoA so you can gear up your alts without playing them, but letting that alt get +15 of a mostly worthless skill was somehow game breaking?


Trakanon Raider
I'm not sure what to think of the salvage changes. Yes, war ravaged and blackrock pieces are just junk for my main characters now, but this seems like a huge nerf for anyone behind the curve or new alts.
They are putting in a vendor that sells those, so it should be easier for people with salvage yards, and a lot easier for everyone else.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
They are putting in a vendor that sells those, so it should be easier for people with salvage yards, and a lot easier for everyone else.
Are you sure a vendor is going in? I know they're doing a daily quest that lets you trade armor scraps, but didn't hear anything of a vendor.