World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
So yeah, that "spring break" thing turned into the gm/raid leader, a tank, a solid dps, and maybe more quitting or jumping ship.

Right when there's absolutely nothing left for me in heroic and Mythic progression is the only thing to log in for.
Not to be that guy but did I call it or what?


Vyemm Raider
Always sketchy when you take a week break just because one tank is going to be out of town.

Finding a guild as a hunter is a real problem. It's not my fault they are the only ranged dps that doesn't feel like getting kicked in the balls. But fucking every guild has 3 hunter mains. And I lost interest in keeping up my rogue "just in case."


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Rogues are fucking retardedly boring. I joined my current guild as one cause they felt ok on hunters at the time. I was hating every minute of it. Without luck on daggers, their single target is absolute trash cause you're stuck in combat. Yet get a few targets and out of no where you gain decent dps. But the gain is just awful in comparison to classes like paladins/warriors it feels like.

Thankfully they let me switch back to the hunter full time and it has gone well. But yeah, it's an absolute bitch to find a hunter spot. I've seen some folks actively recruiting them on streams though doing mythic (one was actually a few kills ahead of mine). but I felt old listening to their vent. Sounded like a lot of 20 something's who are ready to point fingers at a moment's notice and I just don't see those types of guilds lasting long if one bit of drama eventually hits.


Trakanon Raider


Vyemm Raider
Rogues are fucking retardedly boring. I joined my current guild as one cause they felt ok on hunters at the time. I was hating every minute of it. Without luck on daggers, their single target is absolute trash cause you're stuck in combat. Yet get a few targets and out of no where you gain decent dps. But the gain is just awful in comparison to classes like paladins/warriors it feels like.

Thankfully they let me switch back to the hunter full time and it has gone well. But yeah, it's an absolute bitch to find a hunter spot. I've seen some folks actively recruiting them on streams though doing mythic (one was actually a few kills ahead of mine). but I felt old listening to their vent. Sounded like a lot of 20 something's who are ready to point fingers at a moment's notice and I just don't see those types of guilds lasting long if one bit of drama eventually hits.
Ive been playing for like 5 months as rogue and all my daggers have been coined or gained through PVP - Its pretty lame tbh and nothing can be done about it atm.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm not doing normal/heroic, so maybe it's just me, but I got most of my epic daggers from armaments, while I coined one and dropped one from Oregorger (on my rogue).

Speaking of guilds, anyone raiding Tuesday or Wednesday nights and doing Normal or Heroic? I'm not looking for mythic because I don't really have the gear to join a group. I don't have a problem doing progression/wipes, but I'm only looking for 2 nights a week (and I'm quiet on vent because my kids are usually sleeping).


<Bronze Donator>
So yeah, that "spring break" thing turned into the gm/raid leader, a tank, a solid dps, and maybe more quitting or jumping ship.

Right when there's absolutely nothing left for me in heroic and Mythic progression is the only thing to log in for.
Right there with you bud. We're losing people left and right. Raids nights now mostly are logging in trying to get 20 geared on for Mythic. Spend an hour filling a couple pug slots. Fail because of said pugs. Give up and do heroic for whoever the most recent recruits that won't last are.

The core of this guild is really great, but the server only restrictions really kill Mythic progression I'm assuming for a lot of people and I don't really understand why it's a thing.


Vyemm Raider
I'm pretty sure the GL gave up because putting together a consistent mythic team with this turnover rate is like running up a greased wall. The only people that don't seem to leave on their own are the underperforming warm bodies wasting their slot.

A few months of the revolving door shitty recruits and the good players get bored and start dropping out.


That's why I joined a huge guild with 4-5 different raid teams. They source in any subs from the guild, so if it's not my raid night and I'm not locked I'll join.

I'd say join a huge guild and stick with it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My guild is starting to experience that bullshit. People saying they are having ISP problems and we find out they're just playing league of terrible instead of raiding.


A Mod Real Quick
I think the minivan has been losing members too. Its a little frustrating to lose people that know the fights and having to re explain every week to the new guys. Its nothing against the new guys, just the way it is. On the other hand we raid normal like its fuckin mythic so take that as you will


A Mod Real Quick
Right and I'm not really worried. It's just hard to progress with people getting burnt out and new people coming on board. Not to say I don't like the new guys or don't want them, because the more the merrier for us. It's just difficult to push forward like that.

Either way what I'm saying is you guys having trouble with Mythic guilds should just run normal instead with us. So much more rewarding breaking your dick off on fights. When the hardest boss is recruitment there is an issue


<Silver Donator>
As long as we have 10, we're good!
Wish Mythic still worked that way. That 20 man shit is starting to wear a lot of guilds off. Not easy to keep a stable roster of 20 for all the guild that came from heroic 10 man environment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My wife just put this together for our mythic oregorger kill last night...I am THE panda.



Trakanon Raider
The last raiding guild I was playing with on Area-52 exploded after heroic blackhand died.

We spent 1 night working on mythics then the guild leader, raid leader, and half the officers quit. So that place was dead.

Sign up for a warcraftlogs account and record your logs every single time you raid anything. It is your resume for finding a raid guild.

After things exploded on Area-52 I decided I wanted to see how the alliance side is this expansion, mainly the garrisons and leveling experience, so I trolled the MMO-Champion forums and the wow guild recruitment boards for alliance guilds that are progression through mythic. I found a guild that was 6/10 and looking for a DK. When I submitted my application I told them up front that I have zero mythic kills in BRF but they were so pleased with my logs for normal/heroic they gave me a shot. I had a nice trial by fire clearing 6/10 Mythic last Tuesday and then we learned and killed Thogar on Wed. With the last 15 min they wanted to do heroic blackhand for the hell of it and I ended up tanking for the kill with no idea what I was doing. Pretty fun for a 2 day a week raid guild.

So the moral of the story is keep logs for all your fights. Mythic guilds are bleeding members so badly they are willing to take less experienced people if you can prove you can do well at easier content.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is that using assets or is that all hand made? Either way it's very impressive.
I'm sure she borrowed the flash symbol, she's a pretty good shooper though. Reason for the flash theme is our mages (3 of them) were having cases of the dumb-dumbs and fucking up their blinks. So the raid leader made a comment about how mages tap into the Blink Force and if too many tap into it they're all weak like the speed force. Guess you had to be there lol.

Here's some other ones I found humorous:

She's got a ton of hilarious ones from years ago that were up on our old site but it's been down for a while now. I'll see if I can get her to throw them up on imgur or something, they're worth it for the laugh.


Vyemm Raider
I can't exactly blame people for quitting when progression seems to have stalled and there's no more loot carrot. Hell, I've only ever made it to the second tier of wow raids in an expansion once, back in Lich King. Which was also the only time I played all the way through.

But the dozen times I've quit were mostly for different reasons - schedule conflict ("maybe we'll get this started by 11"), guild regression (likely facing that here), plain boredom, or pure loathing of everyone I was playing with.