World of Warcraft: Current Year


Vyemm Raider
Cool site. Vanilla should have horde/alliance split imo.

I'd like to see them poll the guilds about how many attempts it took to down each final boss.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah. The call to arms/bonus thing, when they need more tanks/healers and you queue as one.

edit: found it
Apparently its like 500-600 gold for the bag now. I guess you can get tanks the old fashion way BUY THEM hehe. I have gotten satchels a few times as a healer but seems like primarily tanks that are lacking. Guess my panda is going to level tank mode.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I remember that community. It had the same amount of assholes as it does now. Now at least I don't have a fuckton of downtime between pulls to read how someone is doing laundry or how they are stoned or any other boring ass story. Find a guild with people you like and want to do stuff with and you will have all the community you will ever need.
Honest question: How many people did you actually be online/gaming buddies with (Or may have turned into a real life friend) that happened in EverQuest? Then, how many of those people transferred with you to WoW? Now, how many people have you met purely in WoW that also play games with you elsewhere that wasn't a spin off of meeting an acquaintence of an EQ buddy you played with and purely interacted with them in WoW only?

Community isn't sitting in a group talking about laundry while waiting for spawns. It's about 17 interactions that can happen in a way the game is designed around player/character/class dependence and that same dependence forming that community as a result.

There is a difference between a long leveling curve and a long content cycle, and community building within a game and the thousands of ways to go about it. The problem with WoW is it has sacrificed everything for accessibility. The pendulum needs to swing the other way at some point. It always does.

All my online friends I made through EQ and then it sprouted into going to DAOC, and then to WoW - and quite a few on this forum which was a community based off EQ to begin with. I even made a couple real life buddies which I speak with on the phone and it has gone beyond the game. (Only 3)

Either way, I think if everyone (at least here) looks back far enough, the same people you played EQ with are now the same people you play other games with.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Apparently I don't read patch notes or blizzard didn't mention it, but the Satchel you now get for doing a dungeon while your role is needed was super buffed.

I got 500g, 3 baleful items, 3 runes, and also one of those items to upgrade a baleful item (I assume that one is rare). That was the easiest money of my life.
What's it like getting those? As a Rogue I've never had a chance...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Leveling as Tank is fabulous anyway. Half the Tank classes outdps the dps classes. The other 4 guys in the party are just there to speed up the clear. Especially now that the Void Heirloom Trinket completely invalidates a lot of pulls/bosses by tentacle-raping them harder than a passel of anime schoolgirls.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honest question: How many people did you actually be online/gaming buddies with (Or may have turned into a real life friend) that happened in EverQuest? Then, how many of those people transferred with you to WoW? Now, how many people have you met purely in WoW that also play games with you elsewhere? Community isn't sitting in a group talking about laundry while waiting for spawns. It's about 17 interactions that can happen in a way the game is designed around player/character/class dependence and that same dependence forming that community as a result.

There is a difference between a long leveling curve and a long content cycle, and community building within a game and the thousands of ways to go about it. The problem with WoW is it has sacrificed everything for accessibility. The pendulum needs to swing the other way at some point. It always does.

All my online friends I made through EQ and then it sprouted into going to DAOC, and then to WoW - and quite a few on this forum which was a community based off EQ to begin with. I even made a couple real life buddies which I speak with on the phone and it has gone beyond the game. (Only 3)

Either way, I think if everyone (at least here) looks back far enough, the same people you played EQ with are now the same people you play other games with.
I play with a group of around 20ish people. Started in EQ then added others me and my friends have met in other MMO's. I have found community in other games much easier because of voice comms. These are people from multiple continents and various ages and their families. MMO's to me are just an activity to play with your friends. No matter how bad the game is we still have fun and love MMO's.

Yes it started with EQ but I haven't had problems meeting people in other MMO's at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Leveling as Tank is fabulous anyway. Half the Tank classes outdps the dps classes. The other 4 guys in the party are just there to speed up the clear. Especially now that the Void Heirloom Trinket completely invalidates a lot of pulls/bosses by tentacle-raping them harder than a passel of anime schoolgirls.
Hehe I concur if you have a tank spec option level as a tank. Your DPS soloing is not bad at all and having instant queues for any dungeon you want means you can just ignore normal questing if you chose to and just turbo level. I ran my monk to 90 stupidly fast and I don't think I ever did any non dungeon quests after level 15ish.


What's it like getting those? As a Rogue I've never had a chance...
Sometimes I get so many leather/cloth baleful items that I can't d/e that I get sad and sell them for 1c. I actually really love dungeon running so this is good news for me, I hope it continues this way. If I leveled alts I'd have enough baleful gear to never set foot in tanaan on any of them, but I hate leveling tbh.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So do you consistently get more than one token from the bag?
I always get 500g, 3 baleful boa tokens, and 3 runes. Every single time.

Also, for leveling, get the Touch of the Void trinket when you can.

My orc rogue (who is 99 now) did 40k+ boss dps from 90 to 100 just from that trinket. It's fucking hilariously OP. Pull boss, pop trinket, watch your bar get hard like a big ol' pornstar cack while the second place guy is struggling to break 10k dps. Trinket is OP as fuck for any class, even healers. Just pop it at the start of the boss and make sure the tank knows to NOT pull it out of the void tendrils, it's amazing how many of them think they're bad.


Lord Nagafen Raider
While it's fun blasting through a heroic dungeon as a tank doing 50k+ dps (100k on most packs) and not saying anything to anyone, I feel like I'm playing a single player game.

If prot warriors had self heals I wouldn't even fucking need anyone else in the group. The dps might as well not even be there.


Was BRD a motherfucker to do after you had already helped 10 people get Ony attuned? Well yea, but it was still engaging.


2 Minutes Hate
There are pros and cons to large dungeon design. I personally loved BRD and it was probably the best dungeon/raid WOW has put together. But my experience with high end raiding in WOW is non existent for the last 5-6 years. I loved when you got a good group together and spent an afternoon clearing the place. I hated putting several failed groups together (fail because of bad play or DC or people logging due to time constraints) and wasting several hours of my weekend doing nothing or sitting around and waiting.

5 man dungeons these days are awful experiences now. They have some clever fights sometimes, but otherwise are dogshit.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
These weekend timewalking events should be every weekend, and just change the theme.


5 mans are a boring snoozefest that's for sure, but I've always enjoyed smaller group content. Especially now that I pretty much play solo.. which is sort of the problem I suppose. I just did a grimrail depot with a group (as 698 heals) and I did more damage than the 670 feral druid. Not sure how he managed to be so fucking garbage, but it's pretty typical for me to almost tie with a DPS in 5 mans. I really can't stand it. I'd say I'm an above average player of the game even though I no longer raid cause sometimes I just don't feel like logging on, but I can't help but to feel like the constant coddling of super casual players has made the general playerbase play like shit. It's not completely blizzard fault but it sort of is imo.

It's super evident when you go do timewalking dungeons vs current heroics. People get stomped on so hard cause they think they can just chain pull and never have to move out of aoe and can just not worry about adds.


Lord Nagafen Raider
5 mans are a boring snoozefest that's for sure, but I've always enjoyed smaller group content. Especially now that I pretty much play solo.. which is sort of the problem I suppose. I just did a grimrail depot with a group (as 698 heals) and I did more damage than the 670 feral druid. Not sure how he managed to be so fucking garbage, but it's pretty typical for me to almost tie with a DPS in 5 mans. I really can't stand it. I'd say I'm an above average player of the game even though I no longer raid cause sometimes I just don't feel like logging on, but I can't help but to feel like the constant coddling of super casual players has made the general playerbase play like shit. It's not completely blizzard fault but it sort of is imo.

It's super evident when you go do timewalking dungeons vs current heroics. People get stomped on so hard cause they think they can just chain pull and never have to move out of aoe and can just not worry about adds.
You know I hated the timewalking at first, because there is literally 0 reason for me to do them outside of the normal HFC cache quest...but with the way they are tuned, they're actually a pretty decent throwback. You can still chain pull if you have a solid healer, but you can't pull half the instant like in a regular heroic.

I ran UBRS last night (for the lulsatchel) and we were done in like 12 minutes flat, and that was waiting for all the bosses to do their bullshit RP before they're attackable. Just balls out pulling the entire every room all at once, popping my shit and melting everything. I did 72% of the total damage during the instance.

I'm sure there's a small portion of me that is looking through rose tinted glasses at the way things used to be, it's impossible not to, but I grew up playing EQ and I dunno...this game just caters too much to the super casual. If you want to log in for 15 minutes and fuck around, you shouldn't be able to run a whole dungeon and get gear that fast...I'm sorry, that's just the way I feel.

And if you don't have time to get on for like 1-3 hours, play some fuckin' call of duty, an RTS, or something else that's "quick" like a single player game you can pause.

After my raid I log onto my rogue, spend 30 minutes in queue and finally get into a dungeon. We get up to the first boss and realize the healer is afk (paladin tank). Well we had another 100 priest as shadow just melting shit. So we kick the first afk priest and the shadow priest, instead of switching to heals for one boss or waiting for another healer to pop in, just leaves. He only had 30 seconds of patience...30 seconds.

What the fuck man?