World of Warcraft: Current Year


Lord Nagafen Raider
Mythic Gore down tonight. That one felt really good.
Meanwhile my jolly group of retards can't stop babbling about shit long enough to bother doing council for a 2nd time.

Am I the only fucking person that is just like "Hey let's get serious for 6 minutes and do this boss, then you can go back to talking about random shit nobody fucking cares about"?


Meanwhile my jolly group of retards can't stop babbling about shit long enough to bother doing council for a 2nd time.

Am I the only fucking person that is just like "Hey let's get serious for 6 minutes and do this boss, then you can go back to talking about random shit nobody fucking cares about"?
I feel ya. Sounds like every raid experience I've ever had.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't give a shit about what new tv shows are on this week, how your day was at work, what your stupid fucking kid said or did, how your wife is a cunt, how your job sucks, why no one shows up for raids, etc etc etc

Same fucking thing every god damn raid. Wiping to stupid shit, people don't know where they're supposed to be until they murder the raid 5 times and then someone shames them into playing better.

Just getting real fucking tired of it.


Molten Core Raider
I don't give a shit about what new tv shows are on this week, how your day was at work, what your stupid fucking kid said or did, how your wife is a cunt, how your job sucks, why no one shows up for raids, etc etc etc

Same fucking thing every god damn raid. Wiping to stupid shit, people don't know where they're supposed to be until they murder the raid 5 times and then someone shames them into playing better.

Just getting real fucking tired of it.
so quit ?????


Molten Core Raider
I don't give a shit about what new tv shows are on this week, how your day was at work, what your stupid fucking kid said or did, how your wife is a cunt, how your job sucks, why no one shows up for raids, etc etc etc

Same fucking thing every god damn raid. Wiping to stupid shit, people don't know where they're supposed to be until they murder the raid 5 times and then someone shames them into playing better.

Just getting real fucking tired of it.
Sucks, but I agree with Cathex, it sounds like a raid. Makes me pine for the days when people had to type shit out in chat so you couldn't hear their annoying voices, stupid music, or other random noises in vent.





Lord Nagafen Raider
Sucks, but I agree with Cathex, it sounds like a raid. Makes me pine for the days when people had to type shit out in chat so you couldn't hear their annoying voices, stupid music, or other random noises in vent.
Most successful guilds I have been in know when to cut down on the random chatter during a hard boss fight and get it done. Some people can talk about football that they're watching WHILE raiding, most can't.

Sunday and Monday nights are hell during football season. "OH MAN DID YOU SEE THAT TOUCHDOWN?" "No motherfucker I'm kind of in the middle of trying to not die and wipe the raid". Then the same asshole drops a reap in the middle of the raid pile 2 minutes later.


Lord Nagafen Raider
One of my guildies is always hitting his loud vaping device on vent. It drives me nuts.
Fucking hell. We had this tatted up hipster faggot from california who raided with us for a while. He would stream, yell shit constantly, and there was a dedicated background noise of him sucking on that fucking vapecock every 10 seconds. Jesus Christ.


To me it always seemed super disrespectful to have a TV show and shit running while raiding. Your focus isn't on the game, thats why your DPS is bad. You're being rude to the people who are depending on you. Until I started raiding more often in Cata I didn't realize that was the norm. I felt like I was the only one who was trying. Especially when bosses only last like 8 minutes. On trash sure whatever, but during boss times? fuck you


Molten Core Raider
Vent/teamspeak/ etc actually ruined the fun of raiding for me. Always some douchebag that feels the need to share all of the above habits with the raid. I miss the days of silence and/or talking to my wife while we raid. Im not here to discuss your day, I dont give a fuck, I am here to make the live mobs dead. stfu and do your job. Glad to see I am not the only one.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Best mumble bit was "ok, husband's mike is shot so I'm switching to auto talk so he can speak". Then you get all the best comments on the other raider's performance...


Vent/teamspeak/ etc actually ruined the fun of raiding for me. Always some douchebag that feels the need to share all of the above habits with the raid. I miss the days of silence and/or talking to my wife while we raid. Im not here to discuss your day, I dont give a fuck, I am here to make the live mobs dead. stfu and do your job. Glad to see I am not the only one.
I really loathe voice comms. I do understand their place, but I'd much rather listen to music than a bunch a-holes talk about nonsense and how drunk/high they are. Sometimes it's like they have zero social interaction until they hop into Vent for the raid where they proceed to verbally dump all their pent-up musings throughout the week. No thanks, and it's not because I'm antisocial.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have truly finished my transformation into a grumpy old fuck after joining a guild in Skyforge and realising every single person on Mumble was annoying as fuck. I mean even the obviously trying to hard, flirty/slutty chick was just grating on my last nerve.

I need a lawn and a cane at 45 now. My gaming life is over.
