World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Tantric is right on the numbers, I misremembered. Heroic now has a much lower kill rate than normal in the past though. Heroic is a slightly easier version of old heroic and mythic is on a level of difficulty we have never really seen.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It doesn't fit to say WoD Heroic = MoP Normal and WoD Mythic = MoP Heroic because that's simply not the case. Comparing kill %'s of Heroic Archimonde to Normal Garrosh is apples to oranges.

Let's not forget that they tiered the whole HFC raid too. They effectively made HFC T18 and T18.5.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I could see maybe combining LFR with normal mode. Have each level one that introduces new mechanics so there are more consistent jumps in difficulty between them. It may also be a way to help keep the dungeons a bit more useful longer.


Golden Squire
I don't like 4 raid difficulties either, but LFR / Normal / Heroic / Mythic all serve very distinct and different purposes (as laid out in the blue post above, Blizzard's success at this being so-so). Combining any of them will just piss off some segment of the user base.


2 Minutes Hate
IMO we need to add more difficulty levels. What about those people with only one arm? They need to add a drop down menu that you have to scroll through to find just the right difficulty level.

Actually, should add difficulty ratings for the leveling/questing content too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
IMO we need to add more difficulty levels. What about those people with only one arm? They need to add a drop down menu that you have to scroll through to find just the right difficulty level.

Actually, should add difficulty ratings for the leveling/questing content too.


Potato del Grande
I don't like 4 raid difficulties either, but LFR / Normal / Heroic / Mythic all serve very distinct and different purposes (as laid out in the blue post above, Blizzard's success at this being so-so). Combining any of them will just piss off some segment of the user base.
Get your neg's ready, cause this is gonna be a dose of honesty:

The difficulty bullshit needs to just die to be honest. Its stupid. Just have content thats hard and takes a coordinated group some effort to complete. Not every piece of content needs to be available for every knuckle dragging mouth breather.

People will cry elitism, but WoW has NOTHING to strive for from a content perspective, and re-running the same content, only harder is just shitty. WoW has become the Facebook of MMO's. Its the best on the block not because its the best in execution and design at the moment but because there is nothing else that competes that can pull enough subscribers away. Its long since lost its way, and has been coasting on the its absolutely fantastic foundation it had in the beginning for years. Its the ghost of past glory.

LFR and the Dungeon Finder killed the local server community. Assembly line Dungeon instances and raids killed the sense of adventure and exploration. Badge/Loot Currency killed the boss loot experience. Fast Travel killed the world experience. Arenas killed any real sense of PvP the game had (/mourn Vanilla world PvP). The ability to now multi spec characters, set multi-gear sets killed any identity your characters could have. Making Shaman and Paladins cross faction killed the one difference the two had (frankly, I'm surprised the cross faction communication sound barrier hasn't been taken down). Having portable banks, mailboxes and mounts with vendors just made things wtf-ridiculous with characters pretty much being traveling cities.

The utter destruction of World of Warcraft as a game is nearly complete as it enters its last phase of life where it goes into full blown subscriber bleed. This next expansion could be what finally kicks it into hospice and it officially goes into maintenance mode.

Blizzard has become the overindulgent parent to the WoW player base by handing nearly everything to them, moving away from the subtle balance they once had between making its players work and earn to achieve progression vs. instant gratification. World of Warcraft came on the scene and fully realized the MMORPG genre for millions, nearly perfecting what a MMORPG should be, but in doing so, it also became the genre's Harbinger of Death at the same time. WoW started as the hero, but has now lived long enough to become the villain. It is cannibalizing both itself and the MMORPG genre.


Golden Squire
I don't think ranting about how WoW killed community in MMOs will get you negs on this forum.

But, back to your point - you're describing a game that isn't WoW. WoW is about doing what is profitable. Making content that only the elite can play through isn't profitable. Variable difficulty is a good solution that makes making the content worthwhile, and gives something for most/everyone to do (which is WoW's goal, like it or not).

The larger problem though is that effectively every MMO centers around repetition of content (especially EQ, didn't play UO back in the day, so can't speak to it). Nowadays there's too many interesting new things. Playing a new fun game is much more appealing to most people than re-running content you've seen before (regardless if it's a challenge or a cakewalk or something in-between). Hence why most MMOs (and their expansions) drop off between 1-3 months. After that point you've seen almost all the content in the game, a lot of it probably multiple times, and are ready to move on.


Get your neg's ready, cause this is gonna be a dose of honesty:

The difficulty bullshit needs to just die to be honest. Its stupid. Just have content thats hard and takes a coordinated group some effort to complete. Not every piece of content needs to be available for every knuckle dragging mouth breather.

Yeah, this shit never,everworks and only sad wankers think it's a good idea.
Go play Vanguard or Wildstar.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
WoW Server Stats - US Realms -

There are 28 servers under the "1,000" mark. I'm not entirely sure what that means, or if those numbers are even accurate...but god damn.

EDIT: Those numbers have to be off, it has Dalaran as the highest populated server...they have one mythic guild...
Realm Pophas much better population stats. Warcraft Realms relies only on in-game census numbers, which needs contributors, who are online a lot, and cover all hours of the day, all the time... There are far too few people contributing for that to happen.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Realm Pophas much better population stats. Warcraft Realms relies only on in-game census numbers, which needs contributors, who are online a lot, and cover all hours of the day, all the time... There are far too few people contributing for that to happen.
Thanks for that. I didn't really realize how shitty our server population is, jesus.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Re: Warrik

I don't think the quality of life changes you mentioned are the bane that you think they are. It still takes effort to acquire those services only available in cities (ok not so much with the vendor mounts but definitely for the engineering toys).

As an aside, lots of other games have maintained the feeling of a grand, large world while having fast travel options. Have you played Witcher 3, Skyrim, or Metal Gear Solid 5?


Trakanon Raider
The difficulty bullshit needs to just die to be honest. Its stupid. Just have content thats hard and takes a coordinated group some effort to complete. Not every piece of content needs to be available for every knuckle dragging mouth breather.
With Bobby K in charge, they are far more likely to drop mythic than to drop lfr - it's a fuckload more work to make 5% of the playerbase feel elite.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Why can't just get rid of the difficulties and just tune the zone with average ilvl?
Because one of the main uses of ilvl is to allow you to compensate for other "problems" in general gameplay. Like not being up to mythic-level insta reaction coupled with specialized addons. If you remove this variable, then either the mythic-level guilds roflstomp their way thru, or the friends-and-family guilds stop raiding because they can't pass the second boss ever (since he keeps on growing in power as they gear on the first).


With Bobby K in charge, they are far more likely to drop mythic than to drop lfr - it's a fuckload more work to make 5% of the playerbase feel elite.
The fuck does Bobby care about minutia about MMO raid design? Blizzard is still handing him billions thanks to Hearthstone + Diablo, his hands are nowhere near the guts of WoW.


what Suineg set it to
The best argument for them to keep WoW around is to create new content to inspire new sets of Hearthstone cards years into the future.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think that WoW is no longer a MMORPG since years, I'd dare say from WotLK onwards it slowly but steadily changed and became the lobby game that it is nowadays and lobby games need difficulty levels. I believe that TBC, while shitty on the dungeon design, still was an MMORPG, with the RPG part starting to fade.

The open world is completely useless and certainly underused, people can quest in a zone and skip more than half of it because quests become grey, this at a normal pace, if you have a full heirloom set, it gets ridicolous, if you add the level appropriate dungeons, you basically don't even know what happens in a zone anymore.
There is nothing even remotely threatening anymore: you can go afk with a mob pounding on you and come back 5 minutes later being still alive (2 mobs can still kill you, after a while), but more than that you can probably pull as many mobs as you can (before they leash) and AE them down without problems.

Dungeons are soloable with heirlooms, never tried without, but certain classes may pull it off probably. This is because low level people must be completely and utterly retarded and they play with a thumb up their asses all the fucking time I guess. Soloable dungeons. Think about that.

WoW lost the magic, it's maybe worth to pick it up for a month when a new xpack releases, but to be honest, any other RPG on the market is a lot more appealing now, the other players may as well not exist for how good, useful and fun they are, may as well play with controllable NPCs. A few friends of mine still pick it up now and then, but it's their OCD personality that pushes them to get achievements (lol) or "finish" a content patch (aka clear the LFR raid).
There is (was?) a lot of good stuff in WoW, but the game changed over time and apparently a lot of people don't like the changes much. You can say it's because of its age, but I wouldn't believe it. People nowadays speak with their wallets, not so much on the forums: 3 millions subs lost in a few months testify to that.

Would I go back playing vanilla? Well, I did in a 1.12 emulator and I must admit some things are outdated, especially in the downtime department, but it still feels like a world and I still have that good old slow progression feeling, with a mini-exciting moment when I get a new blue weapon that makes me feel powerful for a good while. I would probably play a game like the old WoW again, maybe not exactly the same one, I have 11 level 100 all raised manually xpack after xpack, there is no space on any map whatsoever I didn't see at least once, including hidden and unaccessable areas where it was possible to exploit and enter anyway.

Modern WoW can keep me hooked for 2 weeks top after a content patch (not 6.1, I still laugh about that "patch"), so it's hardly worth to pay a month for it. I'm eager to see all Legion features in detail.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
The best argument for them to keep WoW around is to create new content to inspire new sets of Hearthstone cards years into the future.
Sounds like a plan. They do need to introduce new enemies, though. The Burning Legion keeps bringing the same troops we've always seen. We need some new twisted Old God nightmarish abominations.

(I was just reading a preview of the horror-themed last MtG expansion)

After Legion?