World of Warcraft: Current Year

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I absolutely despise the titanforge/warforge system got a pair of 890 boots titan forged the other night, which is awesome but I didn't do anything to earn them just got gifted them by his holiness rngesus. a better situation is something like obliterum but make it a raid drop 1 per boss in heroic or something that gives +5 ilevels to a specific piece of gear and cap it at up to +15 or something.

On the topic of skins, a guildy did the "legion hero" mythic dungeon achievement and it actually doesn't unlock the skin until you have unlocked the "base" skin. so for your EN tier skins you have to do the balance of power questline (the corrupted essence quest) to unlock any of the appearances on that entire row. After last night I am I am 9 levels away from my pvp skin unlock, so ill be attempting to grind that out this weekend.


A Mod Real Quick
I think what Blizzard did to the loot system in WoW is utter trash.

I hate the -forged system, I hate that dungeons can drop gear on par or greater than raids, I hate this crap legendary system (and people complaining 1 month in that they don't have one - huh?), but worst of all I hate that my secret artifact appearance is tied to some random quest popping up in Highmountain that requires me to walk in front of Nelth's Lair, run a macro or look for an emote, then search through piles of gold.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I have been complaining about the -forged system since it was first added. There was already enough RNG in getting the drop in the first place that the added layer is just moronic. Also for me it's starting to add a lot of apathy to this game as a whole just because I am not as lucky as others. It's fucking insulting when you are running assloads of Mythic+ trying to push for higher levels when Timmy McCasual gets his 895 with socket and extra stats from collecting squirel shit. As for the legendary's on one hand I can agree with Noodle in that if they were rare for all then there would be less complains but the coding is still bugged and some people already have 5+ on one character meanwhile there are still a ton with zero. They are just piss poor in implementing these.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
to summarize the warrior appearances

1. prot - they fixed it so you can visit high mountain once a day and hope you get the emote - its apparently super rare (I got mine when it was bugged)
2. fury - exalted with valarjar, get a random drop off skovald (any difficulty) and then get TWO random drops off TWO world bosses that spawn up to 11 weeks apart.
3. Arms - quest tied to weapon is not actually in the game according to script.

I hate the fact that 5 man shit can titan forge up to 880(?) which is crazy, make normal EN start at 860. its already crazy bad itemization on everything (put crit on all the plate!) and the best warrior tank gear is from Mythics and not EN with the exception of trinkets and a spot piece here and there.

Legendary's are having the exact issue that blizzard said wouldn't happen, they are becoming mandatory to some classes to even be taken in mythic raids and if you don't have rng luck on your side your just stuck twiddling your thumbs.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I think what Blizzard did to the loot system in WoW is utter trash.

I hate the -forged system, I hate that dungeons can drop gear on par or greater than raids, I hate this crap legendary system (and people complaining 1 month in that they don't have one - huh?), but worst of all I hate that my secret artifact appearance is tied to some random quest popping up in Highmountain that requires me to walk in front of Nelth's Lair, run a macro or look for an emote, then search through piles of gold.

The legendary complaining has far more to do with how utterly game changing it is now to have one. Every legendary we've had in this game before Legion was something to work towards. Possibly BiS for the time, looked cool, and maybe had a cool effect. I also think it is fucked that trinkets are providing 15% of people's DPS in some cases too.

These new legendaries are basically having a whole other talent or (multiple) gold traits on your artifact. Having one can completely change how you play and dramatically increases your effectiveness. When Bobo the dumb hunter lucked out and got a legendary that increases his DPS by 45k and the other guy who actually tries to improve his skill is left in the dust because of it you have a problem.

Nevermind the fucked logic that made getting a second legendary 100X easier after you got your first. In addition to running HEROICS for NOTHING but legendary chances is now a thing. It's almost like grinding greens for Vex Thal shards again.

It has nothing to do with the items being legendary it has to do with how effective they are in advancing your character and spec. If they were like the old legendaries nobody would give a shit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't mind the forged. The incentive has to be doing harder dungeons is better for gear, and it is, but these mean you MIGHT get something out of a normal etc. Timmy getting an 880 off a quest? Good for him.

The problem is there is not the stable alternative. Forged is not giving you some minuscule chance of getting a top tier item; it is basically the ONLY way. If you could chain run your greater rift mystics and the hardest ones had top loot, and your heroic shit just had a minuscule chance at it? Fine. The problem I see is that even when doing ass-crushing mythics you STILL are hoping for a forged proc. Then, these mythics are gated too hard. It would be fine if I could go back and start the progression (+2 on up) over again; instead I'm either waiting a week or pugging. Horse shit.

Legendaries are their own bag of dumb. If they're ultra rare, you get people who just never see them, and are RNG'd out of usefulness. If you make them super common the whole legendary feel and appeal becomes just a churning grind and nothing more. There IS a middle ground, and it's allowing a focus towards them. Put specific legendaries in specific locations so you can target the ones you want instead of it being 100% who the fuck knows, which is possibly the worst part. Then add means of working towards increasing their drop rate that at least appears to give us player agency, like putting order resources into a temporary drop rate increase. At the end of the day the current system is going to still suck donkey without a complete overhaul, but at the very least they could give me 1. a way to influence which one I get and 2. a way to increase my chance that is of my own doing.

The current legendary feel reminds me of the BOE epics way back in original. Except they are not BOE so you can't just buy them, they are far more necessary, etc.


what Suineg set it to
If they wanted to do the legendaries completely right they would have had individual quest lines for each and a story thing, presumably like artifact acquisition quests but involving some other content and maybe a short gating mechanism like legendary shards off EN bosses, IDK.

If they wanted to do them acceptably, they could have added some sort of pseudo randomized advancement system that inches closer and gives you an idea of what's coming.

If they wanted to do them as idgaf, they should be closer to D3(today) frequency with maybe some random affixes to get people excited about repeat drops.

The system they have right now is awful. Some of the items, powerful or not, basically provide a new rotation or play style. That's actually great, having flexibility like that is fun I'm the game. But adding that in and then hiding it behind massive invisible RNG is worse than any other possible solution, people see the items and get excited about trying that spec and then maybe they don't see the item ever. Lol


A Mod Real Quick
Agreed booze.

I've gotten basically nothing from 2 or 3x EN normal and heroic EN except two 850 trinkets. Causes apathy

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
my other problem is I am unable to run dungeons looking for DPS spec gear at the moment since I know ill get my legendary drop then, maybe add a "legendary loot spec" option?


Vyemm Raider
I've already gotten the worst legendary I can get, so that's out of the way.

What makes me salty isn't AP, it's the realization that good relics are the new equivalent of needing 3 weapons for every spec. I want to get out of Outlaw (thanks nerfs one week into raid tier) but I'm stuck in the shitter until I get two good fel relics. Hell, I've never even seen Fel come up in a WQ.

On the other hand, I have a legit excuse to sit myself from wasting time on undergeared gold-eating mythic raid cockblocks because until my ilevel baloons I'm the lowest possible melee dps class. So yay!

But to give you an idea of what I mean about relics, on some the node it buffs can have as much as a +40 ilevel equivalent over the same ilevel relic for some stupid utility node.
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A Mod Real Quick
I've always wanted to do mythic raiding but then when we do heroic raids and 8 people die crossing the bridge to fight the raven I know it will never happen