World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
This was just a hotfix round with a 15 minute downtime, wasn't it? Should go into effect right after the realm came up, though if there are major changes they can deploy the backend and just "enable it" later in the day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well stuff like some of the new quest lines may be "live" but not triggered yet not sure how they have those setup because we should start seeing some more of the pre quest line stuff with magni or jaina or dalaran in the next couple weeks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Daily/Weekly reset just happened, no new quests in the line yet. Later in the day for whatever reason or "This week didn't mean Tuesday"

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Also for #10 when he talks about the Tauren worrying about the dwarves waking the Earth Mother.. I'm still convinced that the "earth mother" is a Titan that lives in Azeroth, which is one of the main reasons Sargeras wants to wipe us out because he's been traveling to planets searching for worlds with titans in them iirc. Wonder if we'll see her in legion.

If they go with that, my money is on that Titan being corrupted and we have to put it down. It's the only story Blizzard writes anymore.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Sargeras is already corrupted. He is the Dark Titan and the leader of the Legion.

Or is he dead but not dead? I think we'll see N'Zoth as an enemy before Baby Titan or whatever though. N'Zoth is already a hearthstone card and shit!


Dev1 : "People are already fully stuffed from our event and are not even bothering anymore! What should we do?"
Dev2 : "Add warforged drops!"

Dev overseer: "well this seems to be popular, good job dev 2 you are now in charge of dev 1"
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Sargeras is already corrupted. He is the Dark Titan and the leader of the Legion.

Or is he dead but not dead? I think we'll see N'Zoth as an enemy before Baby Titan or whatever though. N'Zoth is already a hearthstone card and shit!

I'll do you one better, if you got some tinfoil, make a hat and put it on.

I have a theory that Nat Pagle is actually a servant of N'Zoth. I mean, he follows us everywhere, he's always magically appearing, and he just happens to know exactly where every big big big catch is. One of the weird things I noticed that actually works with that top 10 creepy video too, is that big giant pearl at the bottom of the ocean is actually in Legion for the artifact fishing quest.

Screenshots taken from HeelvsBabyface's youtube video about gaining the fishing rod. BUNCHA SPOILERS IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE ARTIFACT POLE QUEST IN LEGION, ALSO FOR INSANE RAMBLING

To get the Artifact you have to get a bunch of fish, unsurprisingly, and at one point you will get a Luminous Pearl which starts you off on a quest to take it Khadgar.


You go talk to Khadgar and despite the pearl feeling magical to you, he COMPLETELY brushes it off and is like "go fuck off retard I don't care about fishing" which is amusing but we all know Khadgar is a pretty shit mage most of the time and this not being tomes he doesn't give a shit. He tells you to go to the Dalaran fountain.


So you go to the Dalaran fountain and the lady there tells you to go right ahead and throw it in the fountain cause it's pretty. The pearl, instead of sinking in the fountain just starts floating above it. The same model (not really surprising considering blizzard loves re-using things) can be found at the bottom of the ocean of that Top 10 Creepy Things in WoW video that was posted a few posts up.


So you toss it in the fountain, and out of fuckin' nowhere Nat Pagle magically appears behind you and runs up to you in a panic, to give you this quest.


When you're there, Nat Pagle wants you to kill every singing Murloc on the island that you arrive at. Eventually after doing so, you and Nat will fish up a big ugly looking Murloc that you kill, and after killing he takes all the bones to make your fishing pole. You bring the bones to the lady at the fountain in Dalaran and


The fuckin' dead thing that Nat Pagle wanted you so desperately to murder starts to "resonate" with the pearl. I mean we all just accept Nat Pagle as a friend but in Blizzard fashion, like they did with Gamon, would it really surprise you if he turned out to be a bigger plot to the story than we think in an expansion?

Also important to note, this weird magical pearl is now floating above a fountain in a city full of magic. Doesn't seem that out of place, but what if that magic is just what is needed to bring N'Zoth forth? In an expansion focusing on the Broken Isles where we know Queen Azshara even makes an appearance at one point, who likely became a Naga after interacting with N'Zoth, I don't think it's that far fetched that at some point we're going to run into an Old God based in the Sea.

It's even speculated that the real reason for the Emerald Nightmare is because of N'Zoth, not because of Xavius, because in the book Stormrage it's said that Xavius is merely a pawn of "greater evil". N'Zoth is also known as the corrupter and obviously the Emerald Nightmare is a corrupted version of the Emerald Dream.

.....of course this likely isn't the case at all but it's fun to dream. IT'S FUN TO DREAM DAMN IT.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Hold the fucking phone.

Artifact fishing quest? /swoon.
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Shits pretty amusing. It's not as good as the other artifact quests but it's still pretty rad.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
When I was in Shrine a servant of khadgar started following me around so at least one of the new quests is enabled.

Also, the changes to invasion CD are nice overall, but more of a pain to afk through since you need to move more. Thanks for keeping all the portals active in shrine, Blizz!


A Mod Real Quick
Just doing some napkin math

Level 90, invasion gives 50k x 4 = 200k exp. Two times every 4 hours = 400k exp/4 hours = 100k exp/hour

Now, if we are to believe exp is halved
25k x 4 = 100k exp x 4 = 400k exp/2 hours, doubled = 800k exp/4 hours = 200k exp/hour


Silver Knight of the Realm
Not sure if it's exactly halved, might be more actually. I hope they didn't nerf the boxes, still getting 2 per invasion but I'm saving them for 100.


Also, double the amount of loot boxes which even if you don't need the loot it's a bit of free gold


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Reddit math states that the Nerf is closer to around 35% or so. Not sure how accurate that is. I got to epic flight on the druid, so I can still do all of them on him for a net gain while I jerk it to my little pony.

It just ruins it for anyone who was trying to level an armada of alts doing this.

Since I have so much shit to do on my Monk to prepare for launch, he'll be sitting out the rest of the invasions it seems. Druid will have all the chests that ever were though.