World of Warcraft: Current Year


Mr. Poopybutthole
I switched my Main over to the Monk Tank when I came back a couple months ago. He was really OP leveling up. Even without Heirlooms (Cross server wasnt available yet), I was still doing better DPS than most people decked out in them. After spending some time with other tanks on varying difficulties of SoO though, I still find that I think the Paladin is a better Tank. Most paladins I run up against do about 10k healing/ps more than I do, per fight, on average. Take less spike damage than other tanks. Have better CD's than most classes and lastly.. the Paladins Im around typically do more DPS than I do. I would just think I suck at my rotation or something, but I usually out DPS Warrior, DK and Druid Tanks in comparison. Though, none of the tanks are necessarily shitty in regards to each other. I just think the Paladin has the upper hand.

Oh, and yea... playing a DK tank when they came out was good times.
Blood tanks absolutely raped during WOTLK hardmodes.


Toe Sucker
I miss those days of topping ulduar heal charts as ret


Hero classes, PvP/PvE bounties, sidekicking, guild battles, D2 gambling, sounds like TBC will be a great expansion

and I'm missing the part in the Benediction design doc where it goes 'farm eye of shadow in Winterspring for roughly a month straight until you burn out and quit the game'


Toe Sucker
I stopped raiding after Ulduar, they gayed up paladins so my interest plummeted~
and that coliseum raid was awful


Mr. Poopybutthole
Oh god Ret judgement of light was so fucking OP in Ulduar. We were wiping like crazy to steelbreaker one night, Furor is bitching out the healers, and I pointed out that we were missing our usual Ret paladin so there was no judgement of light. The prot pal started taking care of it and I think we dropped him next try.


Toe Sucker
Oh god Ret judgement of light was so fucking OP in Ulduar. We were wiping like crazy to steelbreaker one night, Furor is bitching out the healers, and I pointed out that we were missing our usual Ret paladin so there was no judgement of light. The prot pal started taking care of it and I think we dropped him next try.
Thats actually the one fight where my HPS sky rocketed too, i loved it haha. Ret healing on that fight was great, my entire screen would be nothing but green numbers


<WoW Guild Officer>
Oh god Ret judgement of light was so fucking OP in Ulduar. We were wiping like crazy to steelbreaker one night, Furor is bitching out the healers, and I pointed out that we were missing our usual Ret paladin so there was no judgement of light. The prot pal started taking care of it and I think we dropped him next try.
I think I got to raid that night (probably not).


LOL @ visiting popular wow news sites looking for whats happenin in WoW these days.

Nothing news worthy after 9 pages of "news".


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well I guess you could start trolling people with that. But seriously, what news about WoW isnt already on 500+ sites as soon as its released?


Well I guess you could start trolling people with that. But seriously, what news about WoW isnt already on 500+ sites as soon as its released?
point being there hasnt been any news in months which is why i had to go looking for it. this game is an information wasteland it seems.


point being there hasnt been any news in months which is why i had to go looking for it. this game is an information wasteland it seems.
Well,yeah. Well done in pointing out that news is thin on the ground between the last patch of the current expansion and the beta of the next one.



Well,yeah. Well done in pointing out that news is thin on the ground between the last patch of the current expansion and the beta of the next one.

you so salty because the game you base your life around is finally dying or because you realize how much time you STILL waste on this shit? There should always be SOMETHING to show or tell about. They have nothing FOR MONTHS. It's fucking sad. I was actually interested in playing but nothing has changed in the game since I stopped playing MONTHS ago.


you so salty because the game you base your life around is finally dying or because you realize how much time you STILL waste on this shit? There should always be SOMETHING to show or tell about. They have nothing FOR MONTHS. It's fucking sad. I was actually interested in playing but nothing has changed in the game since I stopped playing MONTHS ago.
I'm honestly curious as to what it is you want? You want more information about the next expansion? Massive updates to the current game? Even if they had a billion things to add RIGHT NOW they're just going to wait until the xpac and add it there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
you so salty because the game you base your life around is finally dying or because you realize how much time you STILL waste on this shit? There should always be SOMETHING to show or tell about. They have nothing FOR MONTHS. It's fucking sad. I was actually interested in playing but nothing has changed in the game since I stopped playing MONTHS ago.
Wow is dying?

lol you're such a fucking retard


Here, have some WOW news:World of Warcraft up to 7.8 million subscribers

Other than that, you have a new PVP season starting.

The last content patch was 5 months ago, what the fuck do you expect?
I found out the other day that Monks have known lag issues associated with their animations that don't effect other classes and that unconfigured default Recount is a fucking resource hog. The fuck do I care if your pet died?

So that's new for me at least.