World of Warcraft: Current Year


Imagine what you could do with that persistance and patience outside of WoW.
You mean spend an hour a week performing basic tedious tasks while putting up with 24 other assholes? You could probably make 1/40th of a living. Amazing!


Trakanon Raider
Finally replaced my last piece of normal mode gear last night.

Sitting at 579 with only 2 non tier slots that aren't heroic warforged.

What is the draw for heroic raiding guilds to continue running SoO week after week until December?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally replaced my last piece of normal mode gear last night.

Sitting at 579 with only 2 non tier slots that aren't heroic warforged.

What is the draw for heroic raiding guilds to continue running SoO week after week until December?
Nothing. But you have to remember that what you've accomplished in terms of progression, and farmed gear, is more than most of the WoW population will ever complete.


Toe Sucker
Which isn't necessarily a good thing hue hue hue
This shit will die if it takes them until their projected "worst case scenario" release date.


<Bronze Donator>
Always thought that was Blizzard's biggest flaw with the game. The best part of World of Warcraft was the "World" and there is really no point in ever playing old content, I mean shit now you don't even have to level. Although maybe unfair on levels and obviously the games were designed differently, one nice thing about EQ was that all the old content still served purpose. Maybe the deflation patch that Blizzard is talking about releasing will help with some of that, doubtful though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
520 ilvl Holy Paladin, hope to try and get some Flex or normal raids in this weekend through oQueue. Or if you want to grind heroics, I have protection alt spec. Hit me up Crone#1894


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally replaced my last piece of normal mode gear last night.

Sitting at 579 with only 2 non tier slots that aren't heroic warforged.

What is the draw for heroic raiding guilds to continue running SoO week after week until December?
I dont see any point. Which is essentially why I just didnt see a point in banging my cock in a door jam with Thok. I wasnt having fun anymore. If you're having fun though, then by all means, keep going.


Vyemm Raider
Why do people feel like it's a bad thing if you don't spend every waking moment playing the same game for 7 years straight without a break? You beat the game, cancel your sub and come back in November.


Trakanon Raider
Oh I always end up taking a break for months at a time. Hell I only raid two nights a week currently.

I'm just sad that there is nothing else coming down the pipe raid-wise.


Finally replaced my last piece of normal mode gear last night.

Sitting at 579 with only 2 non tier slots that aren't heroic warforged.

What is the draw for heroic raiding guilds to continue running SoO week after week until December?
For us it's basically waiting for the patch that introduces Mythic raiding and, in the mean time, recruiting and trialing lots of new players to get a really good roster for it.

We do skip raids though, e.g. we won't have another raid until April 8 cause of Diablo 3. If people do want to raid it would be an unscheduled one.

But yea, it's gonna be a long wait.


For real the best thing to do would be to sell carries through the raids and split the gold as a guild. Save up money for power leveling garrisons.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Who out there wants to carry me for free through Normal? Lol... Been tough trying to find late night raids!

Good news is I'm only a few days away from the weekly reset, and I'll be able to hit 3k Valor on both my Hunter and Paladin. On to the next step!


I started an alt on a new server as mine is beyond dead (Org @ 7PM on a Tuesday had 6 people in it). My god the trade chat is nuts, especially people buying and selling of goods and services. I know it's trade, but I've never seen things like this, the things people are looking for. People selling carries, looking for carries, how specific LFM people are with their requests and can afford to be because of the high population, etc. I saw people offering 2k/hour to follow people around Pandaria to loot their kills. I'd love to know what they're looting/selling that is so profitable a 2k/hour overhead is advantageous.

The carries shit is apparently becoming lol in its corruptness. People in raiding guilds that have no idea they're running a carry. The GM and a few officers running carries as "recruit prospects" that have full loot rights on anything they want, then never show up again. The GM's/Officers are just pocketing the cash and leaving the rest of guild without a clue. I've got to imagine it would be damn hard to fool guilds of that caliber. A guy in unenchanted, badly gemmed gear with an ilvl of 505 spamming nukes into General the entire fight is going to scream something is fishy as shit.

Honestly I don't understand the shit at all. I want the best shit but I want it earned. Some dumbfuck standing around in Org looking slick as shit in gear he didn't earn can't be a cool feeling for longer than a few seconds, and he'll never do shit with it. Or maybe $600 is worth filling out your achievements list to some people.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not that I personally advocate it, but their has been times lately I would have much rather bought a carry than introduce my new main to progression raiding. The bottom is so bad at this point in the expansion and better guilds are easily pushing heroics, so they prefer similarly geared recruits. The sad thing is if you wait a couple more months the churn will be so bad even heroic guilds will take about anyone just to keep raiding while they wait on WoD.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Not that I personally advocate it, but their has been times lately I would have much rather bought a carry than introduce my new main to progression raiding. The bottom is so bad at this point in the expansion and better guilds are easily pushing heroics, so they prefer similarly geared recruits. The sad thing is if you wait a couple more months the churn will be so bad even heroic guilds will take about anyone just to keep raiding while they wait on WoD.
In my experience they just stop raiding, not keep churning, though I've never been in a top 100 guild.


Vyemm Raider
Personnally as a non-raider (except a few LFRs or world bosses), I have yet to run out of content in the game after 9 years. I played a warrior for 8 years until they turned everything account-wide so I could finally play alts. Now I have 6 level 90's (non-boosted) and still want to play several more to discover more classes, especially like unusual race/class combos. I'm also a completionnist, I collect pets, mounts, recipes for all professions. I don't even do BG's for achievements and I can still see myself having enough stuff to do to last me to december easily. And that's not even counting all the weekly runs I do on old content for rare transmog drops and fun items (toybox incoming).

There's plenty to do in the world, it's more than just raids out there in my opinion. But to each their own, we all pay to play and if you're happy with your fifteen bucks by just raiding and logging out, just do that.


For real the best thing to do would be to sell carries through the raids and split the gold as a guild. Save up money for power leveling garrisons.
They're selling it for real money on my realm for 180 euro (that's around 250 dollars). Quite a few groups doing it as well.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The only thing i would want to buy a carry for would be to see a raid of good players geling together and playing well. Been so long since I've had time for a raid guild that all I ever see is lfr. Lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
You mean spend an hour a week performing basic tedious tasks while putting up with 24 other assholes? You could probably make 1/40th of a living. Amazing!
Ahahahah yea wtf dude. I spend more time per week on the shitter than I do in WoW.