World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also, the Death Knight premium combat routine by Tuanha is incredibly complex for the tank spec. Ive looked at it in Visual Studio and compared it to the Warriors. The difference between a shitty DK tank and a good one was evident already, but a skilled one is by no means face roll easy. Cant believe DK's still have that rep after so many years.
Interesting that the DK would be so much more complex. Guess there are more buttons to monitor. lol

I haven't seen it, but any indication that TuanHA is getting ready to update his routines for WoD? I figure he'll move his premium profiles over to the HB Store at some point.


Been having a lot of problems trying to download/play.

When MoP first came out I had 0 issues downloading, patching and playing but since I have recently wanted to come back it has taken me about 2 weeks to even download about 30% of the game. I can atleast log in and play but it takes so long to load instances/npcs because the download isn't complete that its not really worth it. I live in East Asia and so I'm not sure if they did something in the last year or so that would prevent me from being able to get the game. If I use something like Hotspot shield I can usually connect for a little bit but if I don't use any kind of VPN than it won't even let me launch the game at all where as I never had to use one to play before.
I can you this, your problems are not coming from Blizzard. I just had to download it on a new pc the other day and it took like a hour and a half to complete. But since you live somewhere in East Asia and not the US, doesnt another company run the website and game servers? Or are you trying to play the US version from where youre at? In that case I would contact Blizz and see if theres a solution. Have you tried torrenting up to 5.4.8?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Interesting that the DK would be so much more complex. Guess there are more buttons to monitor. lol

I haven't seen it, but any indication that TuanHA is getting ready to update his routines for WoD? I figure he'll move his premium profiles over to the HB Store at some point.
I havent heard anything through the grape vine, and I havent received anything for Tuanha's Premium Package. Millz set up a system to automate emails over to the store for an easy transition. But outside of grandfathered accounts, now that the way everything is handled via the Buddy Team, new accounts are questionable. Hes a beautiful coder, Ill give him that. Shits so clean and understandable. Leaves himself comments all over the routine, too. But with no need to worry about the more complicated stuff, such as billing, login server, etc. Why is he needed from the other devs point of view? The store is pretty easy to set up and the Buddy Team isnt taking as large a cut out of the purchases as I thought they would.

I can you this, your problems are not coming from Blizzard. I just had to download it on a new pc the other day and it took like a hour and a half to complete. But since you live somewhere in East Asia and not the US, doesnt another company run the website and game servers? Or are you trying to play the US version from where youre at? In that case I would contact Blizz and see if theres a solution. Have you tried torrenting up to 5.4.8?
If you can do it via a VPN, but not w/o one, then your regions IP is being blocked. As Im sure you know. I had to use ibVPN to connect to the Russian servers of Archeage to initially set up my account in that region for example. I would email Blizzard and see what they say about a pre-existing account because they are pretty reasonable. I dont think they would make you switch services. At least, I hope not.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I havent heard anything through the grape vine, and I havent received anything for Tuanha's Premium Package. Millz set up a system to automate emails over to the store for an easy transition. But outside of grandfathered accounts, now that the way everything is handled via the Buddy Team, new accounts are questionable. Hes a beautiful coder, Ill give him that. Shits so clean and understandable. Leaves himself comments all over the routine, too. But with no need to worry about the more complicated stuff, such as billing, login server, etc. Why is he needed from the other devs point of view? The store is pretty easy to set up and the Buddy Team isnt taking as large a cut out of the purchases as I thought they would.
I thought moving it to the store just meant that instead of having a separate website to sell the premium routines, it would be handled through the Buddy Store, and Buddy takes 30%? Are you saying that the HB Devs are now going to take over routines programming? That doesn't sound right?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Honorbuddy stuff
No. Im saying now that the Buddy Team is hosting the files, the private party combat routine coder no longer has to know how to code a good looking UI, a billing system, a login system, and whatever the technical jargon is for deleting the files when you log out. Im just not that experienced as a coder, and I cant do that shit on my own for example. Nor do I know what it all entails. So people were going under Millz, Tuanha etc. Which works out in both ways. Millz gets a slice of the profits, and someone that knows how to play a class better than he does keeps up and controls the routine / while the private party has all the heavy lifting done for them, the UI of each done and they only have to update the routine when a patch comes around or when they find a better dps path.Now, the Buddy team is doing all the heavy lifting and is asking for less than what Millz asks for.

IE - Private Party Combat Routine Coders dont have to be under the Umbrella of a better coder just so they can sell a routine.

It never ceases to amaze me that people think people like Millz or Tuanha have time to play each class, find the most optimum routine, make that routine, find bugs in it, fix them, repeat that last few steps, then go to their real job, sleep and then repeat that whole process for another class. Especially when each class is changing constantly throughout an expansion. Thats just insane. There is still a reason to stay under Millz, and definately for those under Tuanha and thats because they can be sold in a package and people usually start off buying one routine, then say fuck it, and buy all the routines available in a package. So for instance, I started off with the Warlock, but now I cant decide if I want to play a shadow priest or a mage - they can buy the package at an 8 US Dollar discount and now all three Devs get a slice instead of just one or two max. Not to mention, some of the UI stuff goes over my head too. Its far more beneficial for those under Tuanha to stay where they are, for example. Millz, its debatable.

---- The change is over all, a good one for Honorbuddy. Especially for the user. More people will take on projects now that there is an easy way to get paid for their work. So you'll see more profiles, combat routines, etc. They'll be rated on how good they are. Plus, the greatest factor for the player is that no longer are you going to be paying 20$ bucks for a routine when there is a routine that has almost the same rating as the 20$ routine that sells for only 10$. Which like steam, more people will buy the routine at 5 bucks than they will at 20 bucks and the routine dev will make more money regardless. Everyone wins, theoretically.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The mere fact that someone paid for a bot so they could 'be the best' makes me pretty sure I'm better than them.
Just because Honorbuddy can control combat for people, doesnt mean it should at all times. I personally think a combat routine fucks you up in the upper levels of Heroic content. So being "the best" thanks to HB isnt even viable in my mind. Everyone still has to play Dance Dance Revolution and know the encounter. They have to put shit in the right place, stand in the right place, kill shit in the right place, run a certain way blah blah blah blah. Just shit a combat routine doesnt do.

Rotation isnt even that hard for most people anyways. The only time I have my combat routine on is when Im grinding something or the fights are just so easy that I can watch TV. So why not have a combat routine do all that monotonous shit while you raid LFR for your fucking 12th Sigil even though your item level is 550? Having a problem with other people using something that doesnt effect you one way or the other (and in most cases is to your benefit anyways) just annoys the shit out of me regardless. "Those Lesbians are getting married! How dare they!!!"


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's still not playing by the rules. Personally I don't give a fuck about HB or whatever other crap is around if it doesn't impact my gameplay, like for example that bot program that went rampant during vanilla and populated the world with bot farmers, but rules are usually set in place for a reason and breaking them is not a good thing to do.
The reason why one should pay to not play a game escapes me and is mind boggling. Performing my rotation, as improper as that word can be nowadays, is super fucking easy and is a minimal form of interaction with the game, without it, you may as well turn off the pc and go do something else, but maybe I'm too old for this shit and HB is the way to go... pay to not play a game I already pay a monthly fee for, brilliant.


what Suineg set it to
It's still not playing by the rules. Personally I don't give a fuck about HB or whatever other crap is around if it doesn't impact my gameplay, like for example that bot program that went rampant during vanilla and populated the world with bot farmers, but rules are usually set in place for a reason and breaking them is not a good thing to do.
The reason why one should pay to not play a game escapes me and is mind boggling. Performing my rotation, as improper as that word can be nowadays, is super fucking easy and is a minimal form of interaction with the game, without it, you may as well turn off the pc and go do something else, but maybe I'm too old for this shit and HB is the way to go... pay to not play a game I already pay a monthly fee for, brilliant.
Well great, there goes another potential EVE customer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well great, there goes another potential EVE customer.
Never been one


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Things I don't want in WOD. Anyone have the downlow on this?

-Releasing with 5 Reps at once. I don't mind rep grinding. But I prefer there being 1 or 2 reps. Releasing with 4/5 at launch was fucking horrible in MOP.
-Legendary cloak quest. This completely killed doing any type of raiding PvE with my alts. I couldn't stomach doing another legendary quest again.

Those were really my only gripe with MOP. Well that and the panda shit. But all in all it was a great expansion IMO. The lore wasn't too bad, it just didn't feel like Warcraft.

Just got gold on my warlock for challenge modes. Was going to do Druid next, but my friends said fuck that and won't do it again (I don't know why challenge modes are by far one of the top 5 things they've added to WOW in its entire life).

If anyone on Horde wants to team up, I'll run healer/tank with Druid. I have the battle horn and I'm farming the CC thing as well. I'll probably do tank although I'm not opposed to healing. I'd like to run them on the weekends or Friday night. My battletag is Penance1464


Golden Squire
Things I don't want in WOD. Anyone have the downlow on this?

-Releasing with 5 Reps at once. I don't mind rep grinding. But I prefer there being 1 or 2 reps. Releasing with 4/5 at launch was fucking horrible in MOP.
-Legendary cloak quest. This completely killed doing any type of raiding PvE with my alts. I couldn't stomach doing another legendary quest again.
I haven't heard anything about reps, but there's not the daily overload that MoP had. There's some daily content (like..3-4 things according to one account), but it's very very sparse, and none of it is for reps, as far as I've heard.

There's supposedly going to be a legendary ring quest this time around for everyone. You may not have liked the quest, but I think its popularity means we're going to see something like it again.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
-Legendary cloak quest.
The great thing with the Legendary cloak is that anyone could have a legendary-quality item.

The bad thing with the Legendary cloak is that it was expected that anyone have a legendary-quality item.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The great thing with the Legendary cloak is that anyone could have a legendary-quality item.

The bad thing with the Legendary cloak is that it was expected that anyone have a legendary-quality item.
I prefer legendaries to be... legendary, not having everyone with the same fucking cloak, I don't care if I don't get one, I can get it later in the game for shit and giggles (still waiting for Geddon binding, fuck you Geddon, fuck you!). This cuts from playing alts (because no way I'm doing it again) and is generally something I'd like to not see again. Grinding rare tokens and reputation for an item is stupid. I know there will be a ring, they said it'll be less grindy, but unless it's going to be gated behind a "green fire quest"-like difficulty fight, everyone will have it and changing mains will be a pita.

Here spoke the altoholic with 11 characters.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I think the issue is people are confusing their alts with their mains. The vast majority of players do not aim to have more than one (let alone several) characters at peak power levels. Blizzard has stated as much in various interviews over the years. The alts only really come out at the end of expansions when the mains are geared up, and the player doesn't want to quit the game. I remember in one interview GC said that prior to ICC the average player had one max level character. 6 months into ICC the average player had 2.5 max level characters or something like that. If I had to guess, I'd say that's probably still mostly true.

Blizzard doesn't expect all of your alts to have a legendary cloak, and while this might prevent you from going 14/14 H in SoO, it certainly doesn't keep you from raiding or doing all the other content the game has to offer.


I feel you, and I've only just now came back to the game, but the days of "HOLY FUCKING SHIT LOOK AT THAT GUYS GEAR OH FUCK" are long gone. I miss being the only druid on my server in Tier 3 withThe End of Dreams. But that said, now that items don't hold that special ego-stroking status any longer, I don't mind legendaries being able to be gotten by everyone as long as they put enough time into it. They're gonna keep making these legendary quests whether we like it or not. I just hope they bring back some super annoying to get special legendaries that are beyond rare and only drop off of bosses or mobs or whatever along with the rest of the quest-legendaries