World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hexos is sort of outgearing proof in a way, since you have to get the pattern down pat to have any chance of winning.


Golden Squire
Hexos always made me sad when I'd see people hit the enrage timer on him. They had the main mechanic of the fight down, but keeping your DPS up while doing that adds a lot to the challenge for some specs. I actually redid my UI to help with the fight a lot (it needed to be redone anyways, but still).


Golden Squire
Well cutting the fight time in half does help to be fair =p
Yeah, I saw a shaman (I think) kill him in under a minute. He said he macro'd all his cooldowns to go off at once and just burned the shit out of him. A lot less to dodge that way....


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I killed him shortly after 5.2 hit (or whenever he was added) and had to bubble to give myself a few extra seconds from the enrage flames. Outgearing it definitely makes it easier since 1 minute of dodging is way easier than 2 minutes of dodging.


Golden Knight of the Realm
That was ToT LFR, sorry, didn't specify. Collecting stuff for the cloak on my warrior.

And since the guy was in 483 boost greens, odds are he has armor pieces on another character. And even if my 1 hour for a full set was exaggerated, there wasn't asinglepiece that was not a 483 green. None.

Anyway I got 5/12 runestones on the first 7 bosses I killed. Figured the odds were great but I got one. ONE runestone from the remaining 7 bosses this lockout and that was a 100% one. RNGLOL.

Well maybe next lockout.
Magnitudes better than what it was like at first, where there were no guaranteed drops and you got lucky to get more than one a week.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I actually thought Nibbleh was way more of an infuriating boss than hexos. These guys were taunting me about the last boss but I got him in three tries


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
not gonna lie, i entirely forgot that the brawlers guild existed lol
I think it's one of the expansion's best features, honestly. The arena aspect was brilliant: watching all the failboats die to the first crocodile, seeing people do epic fights with near finishes (or failures), forming impromptu comradery with buff swapping, etc. I'm really looking forward to its continuation in WoD.


The arena aspect was brilliant: .
that's actually the part i hate about it. why the hell should i queue for a solo scenario basically.. after i had my turn the idea of watching 5 other people fight some random mob isn't really my concept of "fun".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The whole point though is its not entirely solo. Some of my best moments weren't even inside the arena. Like last night rooting for this hunter doing hexos. He got it down to 100k before hitting enrage. My heart sunk. Then telling my friend and throwing rotten fruit at him. I haven't laughed so hard playing an mmo in a long time. It's also nostalgic of "I got next" feeling that you don't really get with pc multiplayer.


Golden Squire
Yeah, the arena system is one of the few times WoW remembered that hey, this is a MMO! Lets make it social! It adds a lot to the fun.

I also like to use the line time to catch my breath and read up on strategies. As well as buff others / get buffs.


Trump's Staff
Trying to do step 2 of the legendary cloak quest on Alliance is fucking depressing. Guess how many consecutive Silvershard Mines losses I've racked up trying to finish that goddamn PvP quest. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel entirely as it's basically impossible to ever win this BG, Horde randoms will even stomp Alliance premades.


Trying to do step 2 of the legendary cloak quest on Alliance is fucking depressing. Guess how many consecutive Silvershard Mines losses I've racked up trying to finish that goddamn PvP quest. I'm getting close to throwing in the towel entirely as it's basically impossible to ever win this BG, Horde randoms will even stomp Alliance premades.
Does suck being alliance in that regards,,, Be Patient man you will get it.. I took me around 28 tries for each one to win.. Got some decent Honor and learned a lot about PVPing with my monk .. Buuuut all in all super glad to be done with that part.


The key for me was figuring out what server time was best for Alliance. Turned out basically on Tuesdays right after resets all the alliance on my battlegroup decided to be competent and whomped the shit out of the horde in both BGs, letting me get both wins in about 30 min. 1 hour later I checked back and alliance had given up again.


Trakanon Raider
The key for me was figuring out what server time was best for Alliance. Turned out basically on Tuesdays right after resets all the alliance on my battlegroup decided to be competent and whomped the shit out of the horde in both BGs, letting me get both wins in about 30 min. 1 hour later I checked back and alliance had given up again.
I had to do the same thing. Weekends generally were better for my server. I also finally just accepted the fact that I wasn't going to be able to just show up and win like I did on the horde side. I did random BGs for a couple hours per night and got close to a full set of 522 pvp gear. Then when I would queue for SM I would inspect everyone right off the bat. If at least 3 other players didn't have pvp gear then I would bail and take the 5 minute debuff vs banging my head on the wall. Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.


I think I might actually keep my sub going, I'm really enjoying the game at the moment. Maybe it's just because I'm leveling, but it's been a blast actually.


What are some maybe not so obvious ways of getting quick honor? Doing ToT dailies and the daily BG. Theres a tol barad weekly win for 300 honor, but other then that i cant think of anything else.
I've not played wow in a while but i thought id have another look before the expansion. I opened a ticket to ask if they had any free time and they gave me 7 days sub. So thats worth a go if you want to have a look without paying out.