World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
Problem is there's nothing to use excess ore on. All smithing recipes require tons of the daily cooldown material. Needs some cheap green items to make with smithing to be able to disenchant. Instead we have infinite ore and nothing to use them on. Herbs don't have that same problem since excess can be used for things like darkmoon cards, or used up in consumables.


lmao, so I'm still playing on Moonguard with my friend and for whatever reason every single enemy and friendly NPC in Draenor outside of the Garrison just disappeared after the last quick update

They just took the server down, I assume to fix it. But that was fucking weird. I flew to Nagrand and then.. nothing. wat.


Trakanon Raider
Ugh this follower skills, follower missions system.. I have 1 follower with counter to deadly minions and I now have 10 out of 12 missions sitting there needing that, damn bottleneck. :\
Might have to build a damn inn to get some new followers, getting ridiculous.


Trakanon Raider
Just send whatever followers out on the missions. They may fail, but you still get full base exp for the mission, and it will cycle them so more pop in.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah been doing that, but a few of these are now in the 100 level range and offering equipment or major exp like 20k bonus don't exactly want to waste those. I still only have 1 out of 22 followers to counter that skill, I'm guessing additional skills won't show up until they upgrade to rare or epic status.


Bronze Squire
I think the counter skills are base skills usually present on the follower and doesn't have anything to do with leveling as they start with it. Like only I believe 3 of the followers offer dispel magic. I could be wrong though.


Toe Sucker
I think this MC thing is one of the stupidest things they've released.
You can't put 40 retards in a group and expect shit to happen, no loot or anything except at the very end? good lord.


what Suineg set it to
So tried killing Nok'Rush or whatever the wolf is with 'traditional' methods (ie, not kiting him forever) and I have to say, loot scaling seems just as retarded as before in MoP. My war is 618 (realize that's not fantastic) but he was hitting methroughblock for like 3/4-5/6 my HP. I can't see the legit strategy being rotate through 10 tanks for shield wall rotations. So what was the point of the item squish again when we'll all be at early MoP levels (at least) once again by the end of this expac?


I'd probably say we're gonna end up maybe at cata levels at the most, but who even knows wtf they're doing.

As far as that wolf goes, it's untankable at the moment. It just hits far too hard. When I was running a farm group of it we were making everyone pop their zone ability to call all the extra orcs in and they have taunt. having 20+ people using that and then popping BL usually meant he died before all of them were dead. Sometimes we didn't burst enough and a few people ended up dying, but yeah. Call to Arms or whatever it's called was pretty necessary imo


Thank God you only need to do MC once. Used the premade group finder, found a group, killed Ragnaros. The trash was the worst part of it all. Bosses were ez pz


Vyemm Raider
I'm in the same situation as described above, my main is a miner and blacksmith and cannot burn through all the ores I get from both the world and the garrison mine (gotta get that goren pet!), though I did find a way to at least get rid of some of it.

I mailed it to my engineer / jewelcrafting alts that I only parked at the starter garrison (no time to level them for now, only parked them there to get ressources from the daily cache). When using the daily cooldowns to make secrets of engineering / jewelcrafting and the required daily ressources, it burns through at least some of it.

One thing's for sure though, the price of ores won't skyrocket as it usually does in this expansion at this rate!


So what was the point of the item squish again when we'll all be at early MoP levels (at least) once again by the end of this expac?
Blizz has explained this before (albeit poorly) and I've explained it here a couple times now, try to follow along.

The item squish is NOT intended to slow down all scaling from here on out. It was simply to collapse the pockets of expansion that occurred at every level cap milestone (60,70,80,85, they didn't include 90 this time around). So instead of going from ilvl 114 at 69 and jumping all the way to 164 at 70, you will stay at pretty much the same level of gear. The real confusing part is they kept the ilvl as it was before, they just adjusted the stat budget. So in the above example, ilvl 114 and 164 actually do have pretty much the same stats.

Another couple of confusing aspects of the squish is they also picked this time to fuck around with the numbers on base stats and how everything scales. HP pools were doubled, armor values are a fraction of what they used to be, etc. If anything, loot scaling is probably larger than it has been in the past, but that has nothing to do with the item squish.

The item squish was a short term solution to 2 problems: The sheer bloat that stats at max level were gaining, and the spikiness of your character's power as you leveled through the old content. It doesn't change how stats will progress during current content, but they will probably keep updating the squish for each expansion, until they think of a better fix.


Molten Core Raider
I'm lvl 96 and 1/4 in Talador. Will it fuck me if I just jump ahead and go do Spires of Arak? Looks like only the Salvage Yard is gated behind a specific quest, right?


Vyemm Raider
I'm lvl 96 and 1/4 in Talador. Will it fuck me if I just jump ahead and go do Spires of Arak? Looks like only the Salvage Yard is gated behind a specific quest, right?
I went far enough in every zone to get the followers and free blueprints. That usually was a good break point anyway since they were on the end of the "main" quest line. I haven't noticed any negatives so far from skipping the outlying quest nodes.

For the salvage yard you can do that first without any of the other spires quests, you'll just have to run down to the goblin hub without waiting for the breadcrumb.


Trump's Staff
Enchanters are making an absolute killing right now.

You can get a full set of 640 epics from challenge modes, as the daily quest reward always has a 640 epic in it. If you want to get into a decent CM group, they're going to expect you to have full enchants. I just checked my AH and the price of fully enchanting all my gear is 177,600 gold, and I'd have to blow that AGAIN on the 640 epics and then a third time when I replace them with raid gear. Mark of Bleeding Hollow and Mark of the Thunderlord are going for 50,000 to 60,000 gold, and if you DW you need two.