Are you going to play and call your dwarf female Ahsoka?Official blizzard servers couldn't even handle large scale pvp lol.
Are you going to play and call your dwarf female Ahsoka?Official blizzard servers couldn't even handle large scale pvp lol.
PVP servers in World of Warcraft are gayer than one man sucking another man's dick to completion.
"world pvp" in wow does not nor has it ever fucking existed in any meaningful way. 2 years on Whitemane and there are exactly 3 scenarios for world pvp:
1. fully raid and world buffed 40 man raid comes through and deletes your level 42 hunter on their way to MC while you are farming elemental earth in badlands.
2. not one, not two, not even three but four raid geared level 60 rogues decloak and proceed to stunlock murder your lvl 32 ass while questing in stranglethorn vale.
3. In the 3 seconds you are online logged in to orgrimmar to grab a world buff before logging out again a level 20 priest dispells all your fucking buffs.
There are no other scenarios, that is the only "world pvp" that exists. Only autistic faggots roll on PVP servers.
What, you dont like being 35 and burning ants with magnifying glasses?World PVP was always, at most, a nice side distraction sometimes. If PVP is your focus for the game you're a retard. I'm way too old to die at the zone in to BRD 20 fucking times because of losers.
They will also need chronoboon displacer in the game to deal with world buff retardation.
Coming up next : World of Warcraft Season of Diversity. Find all the hidden rainbow flags to unlock ear plugs and new hair colors.
View attachment 499797
Get the hate shit out of this thread. Every thread on this forum doesn't have to be hate fueled, take it to screenshots or something please (I'm not disagreeing or agreeing can we please not derail with dumb shit is all)
I just decided to fullfill a funny request, you should relax. Tell you what, I can make a giant snowflake in AI just for you if you want.
Dwarf Priest here we go.Ok... I've decided. DWARF ROGUE! I think.... no... definitely. YES. DWARF ROGUE!
I will be playing on a PVE server. I don't have enough patience in me anymore to deal with pvp fuckery.
Somebody make a FoH guild on a PVE server, so I have someone to raid with at 25. Don't make me join some damn pug raid guild.
Wat! It took 4 rogues to kill a level 32? Did they change PvP in classic to be percent based, like retail? I was ambushing level 60 hunters and cloth for over half their HP in Vanilla as a full MC kitted rogue, and I think that continued through BWL all the way to Nax.2. not one, not two, not even three but four raid geared level 60 rogues decloak and proceed to stunlock murder your lvl 32 ass while questing in stranglethorn vale.
Another thing to note:
RPPVP back for a very long stretch was an even balanced pvp server, and a lot of fun from what people were saying. Grobbulus.
I will likely be playing horde on an RPPVP server.Szeth and those playing horde pvp, keep that in mind!
Awesome!Coming up next : World of Warcraft Season of Diversity. Find all the hidden rainbow flags to unlock ear plugs and new hair colors.
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