Ya, i need to find a video on the bosses,. Torn on whether I'd be better off w/ beacon of light, it's kinda expensive mana wise and only lasts a minute so not as good as when I remember it in live, or I can do crusader strike which gives me a 2% mana gain/8 seconds or so if I get time to hit something
Did a stockage w/ a warlock tank, not terribly fun. Though we had no one preventing runners for shit and was bedlam. Got rid of the mage that was going full aoe on stuff w/ a single target tank and it went better and i had time to break out the old judgement of justice to stop runners
But I keep being too nice and not needing on cloth because it hurts my sensibilities, so the feral cat gets some cloth green boe that's like 1int/1sta off from pre BFD BIS