World War Z


Trakanon Raider
They probably forgot to add what they paid Pitt.

And what is this about Walking dead adding more people to love the zombies?

walking dead is hardly about zombies.
A majority of the sheep that watch it don't know that though. They believe that the half hour worth of zombie time over the course of an entire season makes it so.

Really don't see this movie having an issue making money regardless of the production and marketing costs and them basically bukkaking on the book. As stated earlier, between how mainstream zombies have become because of TWD, Brad Pitt, and a big Summer release it's going to be a big draw. I've heard a good bit of people in real life anticipating the movie. These same people I would never considered zombie fans and probably would have talked shit 5 years ago on zombie flicks.


A Mod Real Quick
No shit, that's why I hate it.. but some suburban house wife can be cool and like a show "about zombies" FUCK YEAH EAT THAT DICK MOTHAFUCKA I DO WHAT I WANT. At least that's what she thinks as she walks Rick have a stupid look on his face as he contemplates what retarded stupid shit he's planning on doing next to drum up some drama. HERPY DERPY OK GUYS LETS MOVE SOMEWHER ELSE FOR THE NEW SEASON. "Yes massah we follow you, you can't hit the side of a barn with a bullet, but we'll keep toting around with our infinite ammunition and food and baby supplies." Hmm getting kind of boring, let's talk it out some more.. haven't seen a zombie in weeks anyways. Fuck that diarrhea ass donkey fart show. And you know what? Fuck this piece of shit movie.

Meant to quote Quineloe and I got lazy so fuck it. Shit makes me cray cray.

Double Edit: I went to a wedding and someone referenced how awesome the walking dead was, I wanted to kill myself, turn into a zombie, kill them, turn them into a zombie, and then kill them as a zombie.


Gunnar Durden
No shit, that's why I hate it.. but some suburban house wife can be cool and like a show "about zombies" FUCK YEAH EAT THAT DICK MOTHAFUCKA I DO WHAT I WANT. At least that's what she thinks as she walks Rick have a stupid look on his face as he contemplates what retarded stupid shit he's planning on doing next to drum up some drama. HERPY DERPY OK GUYS LETS MOVE SOMEWHER ELSE FOR THE NEW SEASON. "Yes massah we follow you, you can't hit the side of a barn with a bullet, but we'll keep toting around with our infinite ammunition and food and baby supplies." Hmm getting kind of boring, let's talk it out some more.. haven't seen a zombie in weeks anyways. Fuck that diarrhea ass donkey fart show. And you know what? Fuck this piece of shit movie.

Meant to quote Quineloe and I got lazy so fuck it. Shit makes me cray cray.

Double Edit: I went to a wedding and someone referenced how awesome the walking dead was, I wanted to kill myself, turn into a zombie, kill them, turn them into a zombie, and then kill them as a zombie.
Someone just learned those curse words.


Avatar of War Slayer
So, lets get a very large group of people and dress up like zombies. On opening day, when there are large lines out front of theatres, then we all come hauling ass around the corner of the theatre and charge toward the crowd. Man, I hope someone does this.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I said I wouldn't pay to see this, just got screener passes for next Tuesday though. So I guess I'll pay for a bigass drink.


Trakanon Raider
So, lets get a very large group of people and dress up like zombies. On opening day, when there are large lines out front of theatres, then we all come hauling ass around the corner of the theatre and charge toward the crowd. Man, I hope someone does this.
Someone will think you're pulling a Colorado Batman thing and shoot you


Got free screener tickets for tomorrow. Going but titling this in my head "Brad Pitt vs. Zombies" as EVERYONE WHO SEES THIS SHOULD. Not going to hate on it due to a title from a book if it doesn't match up. If its good its good regardless of whats its called. Same if its bad.


Toe Sucker
Imma see it just because i get dirt cheap movie tickets from work, I expect nothing at all like the book was though.


SO who the fuck schedules a media company screener at noon on a Wednesday? Fucking Media buyers.....


Saw this with the girlfriend(one of said media buyers), and I have no idea how the hell this movie works. It works but as you sit there watching it you realize all the re-shoots and bullshit on the sets took away from what could have been a really epic movie. Have you ever been at home on a Saturday afternoon with the TV on and something like 2012 comes on, and even though its a shit movie you leave it on anyways because its for whatever reason entertaining to a point? This is like that but its a lot better then a typical disaster movie and I would consider this a disaster movie.

The acting is acceptable, Brad Pitt is fine as are the other actors. Its not campy or John Cusack bad but its not steller, but in the end it doesnt have to be steller or great it just has to be acceptable and it was. The script was actually decent as well. The script is NOT THE BOOK FROM WORLD WAR Z, and even though this is well known, please try to remember that if you go to see this. I understand at one point this movie was going to be a lot closer to the book, but they decided to basically change everything. As I said a few posts up going into this thinking its called Brad Pitt vs. Zombies and you will enjoy it more.

So how does this movie work? The spectacles really. The outbreak seen in the trailers (when they are in the car) is fantastic. There are several not shown in trailers as well and they each build off each-other in awesomeness. This movie lives and dies on a key scenes which are very very well done, unfortunately the connecting bits are weak, and that's where this movie suffers. The ending is well the we want a sequel ending and I will leave it at that, but again you will enjoy this movie based on your expectations.

So should you go see it? Sure if your expectations are where they should be as I said. This is a disaster movie with zombies rated PG-13. There is little blood and gore though you can picture a rated R version peaking from behind the curtains of a film where the budget was not 200 million dollars or if it directed by Ridley Scott (since he can do whatever he wants). But its an acceptable film, and while I am not saying to line up for a midnight screening its not the giant disaster it certainly could have been. Give it like 6.5 / 10 or something.

edit. I had to look up the name of the actress as I would never remember it but Daniella Kertesz was the best actor in the entire movie.


Registered Hutt
John Cusack bad
How DARE YOU?! John Cusack is awesome.

I demand satisfaction.


<Gold Donor>
I saw an interview with Pitt, some dude asked him why hes doing a film like this one since its so far removed from the movies he usually does. He said that his kids like zombie movies and this is why he did it. I think thats kid of cool.