man, i dunno, the CitH trailer pretty much told you it was gonna be crap. ditto for the Love Guru which i have heard many many people say its completely unwatchable (i never watched either films, the trailers were enough). Mike Myers while not a bad actor and Austin Powers is pretty funny as well as the voice of Shrek, you can tell he gets off on his own impressions way too much that he goes completely retarded in a lot of his roles. you can tell when somebody is there to tell him, "ok you need to cut the goofball shit and follow the script". as opposed to films like Cat In The Hat where he is just unleashed to be as fucking stupid as he wants.The live action Cat in the Hat with Mike Myers was completely unwatchable. I drove a decent ways to go see it and left maybe a half hour in. That extra time and money that I wasted makes it really stand out in my memory versus seeing watching something at home that turned out to be garbage and immediately shutting it off. Having really liked the Dr. Seuss as a kid and the animated adaptation of this specific work made it an extra gigantic "fuck you." It was also so bad that Seuss's widow permanently canceled all live-action projects going forward.
The straight-to-DVD Dead Like Me movie also manages to transcend just "bad" and achieve the coveted status of "insult to me personally." Trash like Weekend at Bernie's 2 or Dude Where's My Car? are complete waste of time but there was also never any expectation otherwise. I really liked Dead Like Me the television show and was disappointed with its cancellation. The film lacked main cast members (which were proven wise to have skipped out) and that was a disappointment but the real problem is the scriptwriter(s) must have never seen the show. The film contracted cannon, lore, rules, etc. and shoved it in your fucking face as it introduced a new antagonist that was just a total fuckhead every second he was on screen. The film would then go on to answer zero questions from the show as it wiped its ass with the entire property. If a voodoo witch doctor reanimated my favorite dog and I was forced to take it for a walk I would feel about as insulted.
The film I hate the most I'm pretty sure is Star Trek : Nemesis. Mean-spirited, violent, gory, grimdark trash that heralded all the bad shit to come for that franchise.
This was sort of like starship troopers where they had to make decisions on what they would pay for CGI (i.e. bugs vs power armor) they really raped the book, but unlike starship troopers the decisions were bad and the movie sucked.The Postman. Sit through a boring ass Kevin Costner movie and when you get to the end, you think you're at least going to get a battle between the two armies. And then instead of battle, Costner and the general instead fight in a shitty hand to hand fight that goes about as bad as a fight between two old dudes can go. Fuck you Costner.
haha, bad date movies. this one half irish half italian girl i was trying to get to go out with me for a fucking year, christ maybe longer. i finally found the opportunity when i saw the viral marketing for Blair Witch Project and she sounded excited about it. so i said to her, hey i get off work friday early, lets go see it. she said "yeah sure!", i pick her up and we go see the movie along with a full theater and its a godawful movie, not the worst, but it was so fucking stupid and even my date who wasnt a bright bulb herself was fidgeting throughout and when the movie was over she wanted me to take her home. luckily i got into those panties later on as she had degenerated into alcoholism. it wasnt worth the wait, but at least my persistence paid off.Worst movie I never saw was probably Pure Luck. First date with the biggest titty gal I ever dated and we left halfway through movie. Only movie I ever walked out on. Went back home and fucked and pretty much worst fuck I ever had too. Her body was rocking 9/10 but dat smell jesus. What a shitty night in general. Bad movie, bad hos and we ate Taco Bell before the movie so pretty sure I had bad shits later on too.
man, i dunno, the CitH trailer pretty much told you it was gonna be crap.
I like watching "bad" movies but for whatever reason this one sticks out the most. The teenage D&D nerd in me was mortally offended by this movie and I regret ever seeing it.
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You got served was the worst movie I ever saw. There was almost no dancing in it, and I just wanted to see blacks dancing.
Tree of life. And yeah, it's bad.I forget the name of that movie, but it was that pretentious film where the brother dies and the mother is "WHYYY???" and it randomly cuts to follow some fucking dinosaurs before the asteroid hits.
That movie was award bait trash