Worth going all Apple?


How is the "snappiness" of OS/X? It's been a while (i.e. few years) since I last fiddled with a Mac, but at the time it felt rather sluggish. Despite Window's flakiness (which 7 largely fixed), I've always been impressed at how fast Windows is. You especially appreciate it when trying to run Ubuntu or some other Linux GUI environment -- I've yet to use one that didn't feel clunky as hell.

Aychamo BanBan

How is the "snappiness" of OS/X? It's been a while (i.e. few years) since I last fiddled with a Mac, but at the time it felt rather sluggish. Despite Window's flakiness (which 7 largely fixed), I've always been impressed at how fast Windows is. You especially appreciate it when trying to run Ubuntu or some other Linux GUI environment -- I've yet to use one that didn't feel clunky as hell.
My only real complaint is that ever since Lion, Apple did something weird with the way Safari handles memory, and sometimes it fucking drags ass, or has to force reload all currently open websites. It's rare, but when it happens its fucking annoying.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Well I stand corrected then. I'm sure three-system environments will be the new benchmark for stability testing any day now.
Sounds like about the same sample size that you're basing your assertions about Macs on.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Apple's OS software is better but they are a closed system, and therefore I will never buy one. I want full control over my hardware choices.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You especially appreciate it when trying to run Ubuntu or some other Linux GUI environment -- I've yet to use one that didn't feel clunky as hell.
The Ubuntu family of distros are basically the lowest common denominator of Linux distros (analogous to the way McDonald's is the lowest common denominator of restaurants) . They're bloated on purpose so that they can be "good enough" for the widest variety of hardware and users possible, and I agree that they feel clunky as hell. They're a good place to get your feet wet though, so to speak, before moving on to a distro that isn't intentionally retarded.


Tranny Chaser
Apple's OS software is better but they are a closed system, and therefore I will never buy one. I want full control over my hardware choices.
Better than what? By what standard? How do you get full control over your hardware choices and still have driver support? Just curious.
In a world moving toward open source why would anyone want to go with the most restrictive option that is apple? why not partition your HD and run ever OS there is, problem solved.

Nothing buys instant hipster cred faster than an Apple logo.
A trip to Salvation Army, a place that sells used Vinyl, a bag of Goji from Whole Foods and throwing out your razor would save you $4-5K and have the safe effect.


I develop for a company that is very concerned with "user experience," so they've been developing for iOS devices. They're also really concerned about cutting healthcare costs; it's laughable that they'd choose a platform where code is non-portable and hardware is priced at a premium. It's an ironic situation, but I won't get into it further. I know a handful of people who were forced to switch from a win7 laptop to a mac and they totally, absolutely hate it. I mean, we're talking about people who spend 9+ hours with their laptops a day. The overwhelming response I hear is that "it has the exact same problems any other computer has" and that it isn't dynamic enough to be mastered like a PC. Here's one shortcut that might save you a mouseclick: windows+e. There are plenty more.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I'll see your Win+E and raise you a Cmd+Shift+C in Finder.

Just because you folks haven't learned to use the OS properly doesn't mean it isn't just as good as Windows...

Hell, I'll raise you one more and let you know that you can just go download BetterTouchTools or something like it and set up global shortcuts so that you don't need to care about this anymore, if that's part of what's driving you crazy. I just mapped Win+E to "Open Finder" on my Hackintosh.


Lord Nagafen Raider
cmd+shift+c is a nice little short cut, but you have to be in finder to use it? I wish I knew more about osx, can you recommend any sites that will break down how to do basic stuff in the OS like keyboard short cuts and what not?