It is obvious that some of you aren't playing the same game or definitely didn't play Classic.
There were fringe cases that would mix up armor like that. Every normal person just did standard armor and didn't care because everything was beaten without mixing cloth and plate on a character ....
I'm relaying my experiences of raiding for the last five months on a private server, where the game has been totally theory crafted and min maxed
Hence why in 5 months I've only seen Sons of Ragnaros twice, why Onyxia lands with out any deep breaths etc etc
Sure, it's not necessary to give warriors equal priority on leather etc to beat content, but with fourteen years of knowledge the target for competitive guilds is clearing as fast as possible and beating previous clear times
Every loot table is known, hence why something like Wild Growth Shoulders is BIS and usually prioritised for Paladins
Besides if you're raid healing and not taking damage, why wouldn't you use the best cloth, mail, leather and plate pieces to optimise your raid healing? Whilst also keeping a plate set for PvP
But yeah, as I've said already, the pvt server scene/meta was entirely new and will be new to most of you if it transfers to classic
Admittedly it pissed me off seeing pallies Hoover up cloth and leather over priests and druids, but when healing logs are being uploaded after raid I came round to it. Whilst I'd prefer to wear only leather on my druid, cloth pieces like empowered leggings, boots of pure thought etc are so much better than the T2 parts in terms of +healing