Diremauls not open initially right? And wasn’t lbrs ubrs strat, and scholo all 10 mans?
They were always designed as 5 man instances, with maybe the exception of UBRS which honestly was probably intended as 5 man as well. The reason you could bring full raid groups into zones was because the entrances to Molten Core was in BRD, and the entrance to BWL was in Black Rock Spire so they had to allow 40 so your raid could zone in. This led to failures 40 manning Scholo and Strat and other shit so they limited those instances down to like 10-15 while I think you could still zone 40 into BRD and BWL although they ended up making separate entrances for those. Since this is on patch 1.12 all the 5 man dungeons will be limited to 5 mans. With the exception of Black Rock Spire which you can take 10 into, technically LBRS and UBRS are the same zone by the way so you could cheese LBRS.