Should we try and get a new poll going to see what classes people will play / if they're definitely in for FoH guild?
We still have a couple of months but yeah at some point I will formalize some more things.
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Should we try and get a new poll going to see what classes people will play / if they're definitely in for FoH guild?
I'll have to see what my gaming computer situation is in a few weeks but I might be in to play an orc of some sort. Alliance is for fags.
i bet we could drop bosses with a raid of 40 hunters, and i think we should tryLet's start a band of useless hunters! We will roll need on leather, loot tank guns, and scatter shot into the wrong mob group on Kel'Thuzad.
It would take you weeks just to get the rare pets for everybody. I already imagine those camps will be a fucking nightmare. There's the ghost lion with 1.0 attack speed, and also a wolf in Duskwood that had shadow resistance right?
It would take you weeks just to get the rare pets for everybody. I already imagine those camps will be a fucking nightmare. There's the ghost lion with 1.0 attack speed, and also a wolf in Duskwood that had shadow resistance right?
I played a priest and a paladin in one of the stress tests, thought the game was garbage, next day gave the game one last try, played a rogue nonstop for like 48 hours, bought a closed beta account with my DAoC plat. I literally did not stop playing WoW for over 2 years, and only then because I was briefly banned for ruining the economy on Gurubashi by taking over the entire gem and jewelcraft market.First character I ever made in WOW was in beta and I rolled a nightelf rogue played that to maybe 20-30 ish in beta? Then in release I said fuck that gay shit and rolled a man cow and never looked back.
Let's start a band of useless hunters! We will roll need on leather, loot tank guns, and scatter shot into the wrong mob group on Kel'Thuzad.