WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
BWL was actually pretty fun except for the sorry ass trash that you couldn't stop pulling through because rogues had to disarm traps to get them to stop spawning or whatever. It wasn't hard at all just tedious. The length of that could have been shortened by about 80% and maintained the same challenge.

MC was kinda the same with the 50 flame packs but whatever, MC was MC. When we did it in Legion as a throwback, lol holy shit the amount of trash was jarring after doing the modern raids.


Registered Hutt
Yea, vanilla is a hardcore trash fest throughout. So many dungeons are just wading through packs of mobs. And with tards that are used to the legit wow AE-everything strategy too. So I had to wade through people to find CC happy people that don't rain of fire before the pull has even reached the tank's desired fight spot. But they were there. And much enjoyment was had in dissecting packs appropriately. "dude, just thunderclap" (dot) (dot) (dot) [UNINVITE]

They did fuck up that one zombie room in Scholomance. It was not nearly that hardcore as I remember it. The whole point of the zombies is to prevent them from touching you, but on Nostalrius they did a 500pt nuke each to their first aggro target regardless of distance. And some exploits didn't work on Nostalrius. I used to cheese the banshee in Strat by wall tanking her and shorting the MC. Tried several times and the MC always stuck on Nostalrius. Also it would misreport the MC's location to the rest of the group. So it looks like they ran off into the distance when they're still standing next to you.


Molten Core Raider
Even if you were to play WoW vanilla casual it is still fun because the game doesn't require you to meet a quota every week. The hardest part is you will need to have a while to sit down and play but if you can even do that once or twice a week running dungeons and gearing even not at max level is more rewarding than full gearing a 100

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Honestly have to wonder how retarded the suits over at ActivisionBlizzard are. To see a server like Nost get such a massive following and not throw up a classic/progression server of your own?

I enjoyed Emerald Dream, even with the retardation/drama that went on. If Blizzard came out with a classic server id screw around on it.


Molten Core Raider
Because they don't need to do it right now. They still have a lot of subs when the numbers really start to dwindle is when theyll go ahead and do it


Lord Nagafen Raider
I didn't enjoy the big raids in vanilla, because fuck having to coordinate 40 people, half of them armless monkeys. It was a nightmare back then, but I'm confident that today it would be different, especially on private servers, where most players know what's going on.
Personally I just play to do again all the levelling and the dungeons, the raids may happen, but I'm not to fussed about them to be honest.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Never raided in Vanilla WoW, but I do miss the dungeons... to a point. I think the design philosophy for them was a 1-2 hour experience for a 5 man group, usually friends or guildies. It was something you would spend an evening on, enjoy the quests, challenges, use tactics etc., Some of my most enjoyable moments were from running such dungeons with a good group. But, of course, if you had to pug it, or your tank/healer had to suddenly leave, then you were pretty much fucked, so it was a trade off.

Now, we have these 15 minute races with pugs you barely say "hi" to and then once done they vanish into the ether.

There are pros and cons of both design philosophies. I don't think vanilla dungeons would work in WoW any more, but on a dedicated Vanilla server, with a good group of people, then they are fun!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Never raided in Vanilla WoW, but I do miss the dungeons... to a point. I think the design philosophy for them was a 1-2 hour experience for a 5 man group, usually friends or guildies. It was something you would spend an evening on, enjoy the quests, challenges, use tactics etc., Some of my most enjoyable moments were from running such dungeons with a good group. But, of course, if you had to pug it, or your tank/healer had to suddenly leave, then you were pretty much fucked, so it was a trade off.

Now, we have these 15 minute races with pugs you barely say "hi" to and then once done they vanish into the ether.

There are pros and cons of both design philosophies. I don't think vanilla dungeons would work in WoW any more, but on a dedicated Vanilla server, with a good group of people, then they are fun!
Dungeons were one of the best features of vanilla WoW, definitely a very fun experience.


Got something right about marriage
The 40 man raids totally sucked the life out of me and my experience with WoW in Vanilla. I started on Archimonde but that server was so overcrowded and I didn't want to wait in queue for an hour just to play so I switched to a low pop server which was probably the worst thing I could have done at that point.

I ended up forming and leading a guild to raid but there were so few MMO veterans who understood what it meant to be a raider on that server that inevitably it was a lesson in futility. Plus I was an angry college student who expected people to just get it. We ended up with a few server firsts in MC before the free server transfers were made available the first time. I was on spring break when it happened and when I came back half of my guild had jumped ship because they thought this new guild that transferred would be less hardcore about farming requirements and raid times. Of course they weren't but my guild never recovered and I was doomed to mediocrity (I'm not cut out to lead a guild)

I do not have fond memories of raiding in vanilla at all.


A Mod Real Quick
I wasn't a guild leader in vanilla but I did MT and raid lead - losing people to raiding so many days per week hit us hard. It was almost a revolving door.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The 40 man raids totally sucked the life out of me and my experience with WoW in Vanilla. I started on Archimonde but that server was so overcrowded and I didn't want to wait in queue for an hour just to play so I switched to a low pop server which was probably the worst thing I could have done at that point.

I ended up forming and leading a guild to raid but there were so few MMO veterans who understood what it meant to be a raider on that server that inevitably it was a lesson in futility. Plus I was an angry college student who expected people to just get it. We ended up with a few server firsts in MC before the free server transfers were made available the first time. I was on spring break when it happened and when I came back half of my guild had jumped ship because they thought this new guild that transferred would be less hardcore about farming requirements and raid times. Of course they weren't but my guild never recovered and I was doomed to mediocrity (I'm not cut out to lead a guild)

I do not have fond memories of raiding in vanilla at all.
Yea I think everyone will end up with a different experience from that. I moved from a big server to a small server as well, and it had it's plusses and minuses. The small server was kinda fun because the community was small and you'd know almost everyone you saw. The downside was dungeons were harder and you'd have to carry idiots because nobody else was available. We 4-manned a lot of dungeons because we just couldn't get 5. I rolled a mage just to be able to cc in dungeons which my hunter could not do.

When we started doing MC, we were part of the "elite" guild for our server... which wasn't that elite, but still. It was still 1/2 mouth breathers. I was #1 on the meters a lot as a hunter. Haha.

Moving into BWL we combined with our first team and second team because a lot of people didn't have the time to invest to do progression content. Which was fine, but then first-teamers had a shit ton of DKP because they'd been raiding longer, but they needed the second-teamers to progress... the guild leaders decided to reward first-teamers with bonus DKP for all their attempts, which ensured second-teamers would get no loot for months if ever, because first-teamers also continued to accumulate DKP. Second teamers refused to participate and BWL stalled for a while. I eventually joined a different guild and did BWL.

But I think it really depends what you did with yourself back then, it was a social game and the difference between being in a good guild and a shit guild was night and day. These days I think the experience is a lot more similar regardless because there is a raid for everyone.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My server's still up, though. v


They still have a lot of subs
Not sure about that one, they could massively benefit from a server right now since more than half of the population quit before they announced they're never showing numbers again. Zero content since then too, I can't imagine it didn't dwindle even further.


Vyemm Raider
Not sure about that one, they could massively benefit from a server right now since more than half of the population quit before they announced they're never showing numbers again. Zero content since then too, I can't imagine it didn't dwindle even further.
Yeah the subscriber roller coaster would not be so bad if they made vanilla servers. You'd be giving people 2 reasons to stay subbed instead of one. Every lull between new content can be replaced by a nostalgiac trip if thats your thing. Just make buying the latest expansion mandatory if you want to play on a classic server and there's little reason for anyone to object.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's been said more eloquently by a poster on MMO-champion, but the only reason I play current WoW is because I have an attachment to my characters and the world, which I love despite the debatable quality of the lore at some points in the story arc. Most of my characters (7 of them) are from early 2005, when I started playing at EU release, some are blood elves from TBC release (2) and then there are the death knight and the monk from their respective expansions. These are my 11 "mains", all level 100, split on the 2 factions (fuck segregated factions in modern wow by the way).

I usually enjoy the content provided by Blizzard and always did so, some times more than others. Since I was never a fan of RTS games, Warcraft 3 didn't influence me much back in the days (I played it very shortly and never the Frozen Throne xpack), because honestly I was devoted to Diablo 2. World of Warcraft made me fall in love with the genre, much more than EQ did, because it was just awesome. From February 2005 to April 2016 I have approximately 370 days /played, which pretty much means 80% of my gaming time. I've been subbed much more than I've been unsubbed (which happened from time to time for brief periods).

Even during modern WoW I had mostly to compliment them for the quality of their main title, for example during Mists of Pandaria, which I loved for several reasons.

Playing on vanilla servers is still a better experience. It's not a better gameplay, because the evolution in that regard is hardly disputable, especially for some class skills that made them more interesting and less absurd to play, but the whole experience is on a whole different level. The amount of dedication required for most things, even if done in little steps playing casually is alien to modern gameplay. The fact mobs could own you even during newbie levels (even pre level 10) was a testament to a world with dangers in it and as such much more interesting. Even 11 years later the journey (which I did several times already during vanilla) was very enjoyable, including the trips and the hikes around the world to collect all the quests to go inside a dungeon, such as the quest chain in Desolace for Alliance characters that ended with a quest for Scarlet Monastery (which rewarded an awesome 1h blue sword) or those chains that didn't have very good rewards, I remember the Faded Photograph found in Un'goro Crater, but it still connected different zones and gave the feeling of living in a coherent world.

I've never been a fan of flying mounts or instant travels or stuff like that, for the journey is everything and "end game" to me has always sounded like "ok the game is over, now starts the work". Raiding could be fun, but it rarely was unless you were so lucky to be a in a well coordinated and drama-free guild. I did MC and Onyxia and even BWL (and ZG, which I enjoyed a lot more, must have been the raid size), then I gave up after a little AQ20 and I never saw the original Naxxramas, nor AQ40.

I spend a little time on private servers, but I'd prefer if Blizzard would put up official vanilla servers, without fucking them up with some bullshit. Patch 1.12, it's never going to change, accept it or leave it: I'd pay, period.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If blizzard can continue and support diablo 2 now and again I don't see why they can't have a small team dedicated to keeping some old vanilla realms afloat. It's all about selling new boxes at the end of the day, but eventually when wows content grows too stale they'll allow people to play vanilla and whatnot